Links marked with this icon 🚪 are internal to Red Hat. This includes Jenkins servers, job configs in gitlab, and container sources in dist-git.
Because these services are internal, in the interest of making all things open, we've copied as much as possible into this repo. Details below.
This repo is used to house identical copies of the code used to build the CodeReady Workspaces images in Brew/OSBS, but made public to enable pull requests and easier contribution.
- Downstream code can be found in repos internal to Red Hat at 🚪
- select the
branch for the latest2.x
synced from upstream main branches, or - select a branch like
for a specific release, synced to a stable branch like7.28.x
- select the
In some cases, where we need to house code generated by downstream processes in a public location, this repo will contain folders that end in -generated
to differentiate from code that's synced from upstream and copied to downstream.
- codeready-workspaces-operator-metadata-generated/manifests contains CSVs with pinned digests, generated from downstream Brew processes.
This repo also contains an identical copy of the Jenkinsfiles and groovy 🚪 sources used to configure the jenkins-csb 🚪 Configuration-as-Code (casc) Jenkins instance used to build the artifacts needed for Brew/OSBS builds. Since the server and config sources are internal to Red Hat, this copy is provided to make it easier to see how CodeReady Workspaces is built. Hooray for open source!
- To run a local Jenkins, see README 🚪
- Job 🚪 that performs the sync from gitlab 🚪 to github at intervals
- Other jobs are used to:
- Or, to:
- send email notifications of ER and RC builds
- tag sources & collect manifests, collect sources to create a release
- set up subsequent releases (branching, bumping versions)