Copy and edit config.yaml-template
Create /home/hass/docker-volumes/[faces|capture|config]
docker build . -t ha-cam:latest
Copy docker-compose.yml to /home/hass/docker-volumes/docker-compose/ha-cam
docker-compose up -d
[x] incremental filename in video write: cap--YYMMDDTHHMM.avi
[x] config
[x] import hass, write to sensors -> using mqtt binary_sensors
[x] remove mqtt
[x] resolve config paths for consuse lib (replace by ConfigParser?)
[x] logging severity - taken from Rasa
[x] support multiple cameras
[x] docker
[x] output to
[x] sound signal response
[x] flag no window
[x] move action from face image filename to has automation
[ ] motion detection
[ ] capture video per event
[ ] rename video file to mark who is captured
[ ] capture video a second before and after
[ ] multiple cameras thumbnails
[ ] configure vision task (pipeline) in config for each area
[ ] test during night