
Docker based DSP learning/Experimentation Environment

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A docker based DSP learning/Experimentation environment including:

  • Jupyter lab
  • python 3.7 (at the moment. Depends on miniconda3 docker image)
  • FAUSTpy to run FAUST code inside jupyter
  • faustWidgets (to interactively control FAUST code)
  • librosa (for MIR and feature extraction)
  • scipy, pandas, numpy for general data science
  • sox (encoding, batch processing etc)
  • ffmpeg (encoding batch processing etc)
  • seaborn (more beautiful plots)
  • latex ***TODO (for exporting jupyter notebooks)

Why docker?

Docker is something like a virtual machine (well it's not). What we get is a linux machine that has all tools already installed that we need to explore DSP development with python and FAUST. This has many advantages in a teaching context:

  • students don't need to install anything weird to their system (except docker)
  • they cannot really mess up their system
  • if something breaks one can just reinstall the docker image
  • all students have the same tools at their hands
  • some Linux experience for everyone


The installation requires about 4 Gb disk space.

The installation requires docker desktop. So first install that.


After installing docker desktop:

  • download or clone the repository
  • open a terminal
  • change to the directory that you downloaded (cd ~/Downloads/audiolab for example)
  • run sh build.sh


Installation of docker itself und windows can pose some problems, look here for help. After installing docker desktop:

Test if everything is working


  • download or clone the repository
  • open a terminal
  • change to the directory that you downloaded (cd ~/Downloads/audiolab for example)
  • run sh startup.shsomething similar to what is shown in the image below should appear

alt text

follow the instructions that are printed out (copy and paste this URL: your token will be different.

FaustWidgets Examples

FaustWidgets should be up and running already. To get the example notebook in the notebooks folder, git submodules need to be updated in the repo folder issue: git submodule init && git submodule update. See here for explanations.