Produce a ScriptProcessorNode or an AudioWorkletNode with Faust .dsp code using the libfaust WebAssembly compiler.
Supported Platforms: Chrome >= 49, Firefox >= 45, Edge >= 13, Safari >= 10, iOS >= 10, Android >= 68
Clone a copy of the repo:
git clone https://github.com/Fr0stbyteR/faust2webaudio.git
Put the directory in a local server, then open following pages:
For Mono ScriptProcessor: ./test/mono.html
For Poly ScriptProcessor: ./test/poly.html
For Mono AudioWorklet: ./test/wmono.html
For Poly AudioWorklet: ./test/wpoly.html
Installing as npm package
npm install -D Fr0stbyteR/faust2webaudio
import { Faust } from "faust2webaudio";
const audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
const code = `
process = ba.pulsen(1, 10000) : pm.djembe(60, 0.3, 0.4, 1) <: dm.freeverb_demo;`;
const polycode = `
process = ba.pulsen(1, 10000) : pm.djembe(ba.hz2midikey(freq), 0.3, 0.4, 1) * gate * gain with {
freq = hslider("freq", 440, 40, 8000, 1);
gain = hslider("gain", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01);
gate = button("gate");
effect = dm.freeverb_demo;`;
new Faust2WebAudio.Faust().ready.then((faust) => {
faust.getNode(polycode, { audioCtx, useWorklet: window.AudioWorklet ? true : false, voices: 4, args: { "-I": "https://faust.grame.fr/tools/editor/libraries/" } })
.then(node => node.connect(audioCtx.destination));
faust.getNode(code, { audioCtx, useWorklet: window.AudioWorklet ? true : false, args: { "-I": "https://faust.grame.fr/tools/editor/libraries/" } })
.then(node => node.connect(audioCtx.destination));
Firstly ensure that you have Git and Node.js installed.
Clone a copy of the repo then change to the directory:
git clone https://github.com/Fr0stbyteR/faust2webaudio.git
cd faust2webaudio
Install dev dependencies:
npm install
To upgrade Libfaust version: replace src/libfaust-wasm.js
and src/wasm/libfaust-wasm.wasm
To build everything (using Webpack 4, Babel 7, TypeScript), this will produce dist/index.js
and dist/index.min.js
npm run dist
If you don't want to build the minified js for testing purpose:
npm run build
To test, put the directory in a local server, then open following pages:
For Mono ScriptProcessor: ./test/mono.html
For Poly ScriptProcessor: ./test/poly.html
For Mono AudioWorklet: ./test/wmono.html
For Poly AudioWorklet: ./test/wpoly.html