FastAPI project for managing your goals and tasks.
Goal connect is an Async Web API built with FastAPI + SQLAlchemy 2.0. It includes asynchronous DB access using Asyncpg and test code covering them. With this project, you can efficiently manage your goals and tasks.
First of all you need to create .env file in root project directory
To use Docker for running the project, make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed.
Build the images and spin up the containers:
$ docker compose up -d --build
Apply the migrations:
$ docker compose exec fastapi alembic upgrade head
Before getting started, make sure you have the following dependencies installed:
- Python
- Poetry (for managing project dependencies)
Install dependencies
$ poetry install
Activate env
$ poetry shell
Make migrations
$ alembic upgrade head
Run uvicorn server
$ uvicorn app.main:app --host --port 8000
Here's what each environment variable in the .env file represents:
- POSTGRES_DB: Name of the PostgreSQL database.
- POSTGRES_USER: PostgreSQL username.
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD: PostgreSQL user's password.
- POSTGRES_HOST: PostgreSQL server host.
- POSTGRES_PORT: PostgreSQL server port.
- JWT_SECRET: Secret key for JWT authentication.
- JWT_EXPIRE_MINUTES: JWT expiration time in minutes.
- JWT_ALGORITHM: JWT encryption algorithm.
You can find documentation by this link after running project
$ black app
$ ruff app
$ mypy app
$ pytest app