IQ Dumper and Reader using Ettus SDR

Primary LanguageC++


Building UHD Applications using CMake

This directory contains a tiny example of a UHD-based application. Unlike the other examples, it is completely independent of the UHD source tree and can be compiled from any path as long as UHD is currently installed on the current machine.

To try it out, run these commands:

mkdir build/ # Creates a new build directory
cd build/
cmake ..

Run Save

sudo ./samplesToFile --freq 1030e6 --rate 12e6 --gain 76 --bw 22e6 --duration 1200  --progress --stat

This creates the file usrp_samples.dat in the current directory that contains the samples.

Run Playback

To replay the file use:

sudo ./samplesFromFile --file usrp_samples.dat --freq 1030e6 --rate 12e6 --gain 76 --bw 22e6

This will find the UHD libraries, and link and compile the example program. Include header directories and library names are automatically gathered.

See the CMakeLists.txt file to figure out how to set up a build system.

Adding Comprepssion

https://techoverflow.net/2020/01/13/how-to-gzip-compress-on-the-fly-in-c-using-boostiostreams/ https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_75_0/libs/iostreams/doc/classes/zlib.html

Power Callibarions:
