
Demultiplex paired-end reads based only the i7 index

Primary LanguagePython


Demultiplex fasta based on barcodes in the Casava 1.8 header. This version uses i7 index from paired barcode.

You can set edit distance between observed barcode and barcodes specified in the BARCODES file.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FASTQ_FOLDER, --fastq_folder FASTQ_FOLDER
                        Folder containing fastq.gz files for demultiplex
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output folder
  -b BARCODES, --barcodes BARCODES
                        File with barcodes that should be demultiplexed and
                        samle names. Other barcodes will be discarded
  -d DISTANCE, --distance DISTANCE
                        Distance between observed and target barcode