1. Software requirements
    Java 1.8
    Apache Maven
    Apache Tomcat 7 or 8 (Optional)

2. Build and Deploy in Apache Tomcat
The application can be deployed in Apache Tomcat or can be run in embedded Apache Tomcat through Maven.

A. To build and run the application using Maven Tomcat plugin.

    mvn clean install tomcat7:run

B. To compile and build the package

    mvn package

    The target/distsearch.war can be deployed in Apache Tomcat $CATALINA_HOME/webapps

Search results will be printed in $CATALINA_HOME/logs/distributed.log file.

3. Available JAX-RS Web service end points:

Connect the node to the bootstrap:

Disconnect the node:

List the available movies:

List the connected peers:

Search for a movies in the network:

    You cannot search before connecting to the bootstrap server