Moved to and
- 5
- 8
- 0
Download any streaming video for uget
#57 opened by candrapersada - 6
Magnet/Metalink support
#58 opened by D4YN3X - 1
refresh download address uget
#59 opened by candrapersada - 2
Get a Uget popup
#56 opened by stevef9432203 - 3
Unable to start/launch uGet
#54 opened by sparksthedev - 0
nevermind, wrong repo
#55 opened by Baddest-Juju - 3
Filter file extensions and websites
#49 opened by KaKi87 - 14
Problem with latest 2.0.7-1
#51 opened by PaschalisSposito - 4
Setting uGet directory in the options dialog
#46 opened by AirQuick - 1
Python3-urllib3 Dependency
#52 opened - 10
- 37
- 1
- 3
[Info] The Limitation to the length of the System PATH variable on Windows
#45 opened by perfectcream - 15
Chrome version saving to /Downloads/undefined
#44 opened by DanaMW - 23
Doesn't work in firefox quantum
#43 opened by seunlanlege - 6
Can't install
#41 opened by rabinadk1 - 1
Can't install wrapper
#40 opened by mahdiG - 2
- 4
- 1
Option to catch magnet link
#36 opened by nghduc97 - 8
Settings won't save
#37 opened - 3
Garbled filenames
#35 opened by gyratory - 4
- 15
Catch all downloads
#34 opened by DanaMW - 9
Unable to connect to uget-chrome-wrapper - Fx 55
#23 opened by gbcox - 2
Option to disable by extension or site
#33 opened by proximous - 3
--filename twice?
#30 opened by AirQuick - 13
- 10
Doesn't work all the time in Vivaldi
#25 opened by NovaViper - 0
Adding a video grabber tooltip and selected link downloading tooltip to the existing project
#28 opened by BikramKumar6928 - 4
- 2
update firefox addon to version 2.0.9
#27 opened by Sasasu - 5
- 5
No Uget option in download dialog
#22 opened by aquada - 37
Unable to connect to the uget-chrome-wrapper
#15 opened by UncleInf - 6
Extension opens instead of executing it on Windows 10
#9 opened by flawiddsouza - 8
Support for Mozilla Firefox
#18 opened by johnp - 9
Migrate from Python 2 to Python 3
#12 opened by MichaelTunnell - 5
- 1
can't get cookie frome chromium
#5 opened by kamen94 - 3
- 5
Request for Opera Extension
#10 opened by UncleInf - 7
Fail to send to running uGet
#13 opened by MicroBeast - 2
- 8
- 6
- 5
uget-chrome-wrapper available in aur
#4 opened by kamen94