
StreamlineD3 with Node Load Balancing Implemented

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Providing developers with a simple way to create live updating visualizations for their streaming data.


  • Customize colors, fonts, heights, widths, and more.
  • A diffing algorithm renders only the data that changes for blazing fast performance.
  • Load balancing through Node clusters lets your app scale to multiple streams and visualizations.
  • Pre-built, ready to use visualizations including: Bar, Line, Scatter, Pie, Bubble, Word-Cloud, and World Map.

Getting Started

  1. npm install --save streamlined3-redis
  2. create an index.js file
  3. create an index.html file


NOTE: because our library uses load balancing through Node clusters on the back end to support scaling and optimal performance, it is important for you to NOT make a traditional server using Node or Express. The functionality for an Express server is already set up for you and no worries, you can still customize it. Follow the instructions below for more info. (If you would like to use a version of this library without Node Clusters, you can find it here).

  1. In your index.js file require our library:
const streamline = require('streamlined3');
  1. Create a new instance, passing a callback and a port#:
let myStream = new streamline(sendFiles, port#);

note: please choose any port other than 6379 (as our Redis server will be running on this port)

  1. Put all the code/routes/etc. you would normally want in your server file inside this function:
function sendFiles(app) {
  app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'client')));

  app.get('/', (req, res) => {
    res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'client/home-page.html'));
  1. Create an array let myData = [] to hold your data. Call your API to get streaming data and push the results into your myData array. FYI, it is a good idea to buffer this data to not overload your system.

  2. Look at your API data key/value pairs and find the data values that you want to visualize in your graph. Put them inside a config object. (see Specific Configuration Settings for... below for what type of key/value pairs you'll need for each visualization):

let config = {
  width: 500,
  height: 500,
  xdomain: 10,
  ydomain: 10,
  xticks: 10,
  yticks: 10,
  xScale: post
  yScale: number-of-likes
  xLabel: 'the name of the post',
  yLabel: 'how many likes someone got'
  1. Invoke the StreamlineD3 connect method on the new instance you created in step 2. For names of methods you can call, see Specific Configuration Settings for... below for each type of visualization.
myStream.connect((socket) => {
  myStream.line(socket, myData, config);

Install Redis and Start Your Servers

Because sockets and Node clusters don't work well togther without additional measures taken, you must install Redis and start a Redis server. The easiest way is through HomeBrew. Download Homebrew https://brew.sh/ and then in the terminal $ brew install redis. Once Redis is installed $redis-server to start a Redis server. Lastly, type $ node index.js or whatever you named your js file to start the initial Node server we set up for you in our library. Note: all these steps assume you are using a mac. If you're using windows, these Bash commands will not work.


  1. Choose a graph from the graph folder in this repo and add it to a script tag.
<script src="line.js"></script>

OR...you can use the CDN for any graph other than the world map and/or world-cloud

   <script src="http://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/StreamlineD3/SD3-Demo@1.4/client/graphs/bundle.min.js"></script>
  1. Add the necessary dependency libraries (you must use version 4+ of d3 otherwise you will encounter errors):
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/4.8.0/d3.min.js"></script>
<script src="graphs/d3-scale-chromatic.min.js"></script>
<script src="/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
  1. Add a <div> node with an id of (see Specific Configuration Settings for... below for what each visualization is called) where you want your visualization to appear: <div id="Name-Of-Visualization"></div>

And voilĂ ! You now have a working, live-updating visualization.

Specific Configuration Settings for the Bar Graph

  1. Method
myStream.connect((socket) => {
  myStream.bar(socket, barData, barConfig);
  1. Config File
let barConfig = {
  setWidth: 800,
  setHeight: 400,
  shiftYAxis: true,
  xDomainUpper: 20,
  xDomainLower: 0,
  yDomainUpper: 50,
  yDomainLower: 0,
  xTicks: 10,
  yTicks: 50,
  xScale: 'Borough',
  volume: 'Speed',
  yLabel_text: 'Miles Per Hour',
  label_text_size: 20,
  transition_speed: 1000,
  color: ['#DAF7A6', '#FFC300', '#FF5733', '#C70039', '#900C3F', '#581845'],
  1. Html
 <div id="bar-graph"></div>

Specific Configuration Settings for the Line Graph

  1. Method
   myStream.connect((socket) => {
     myStream.line(socket, lineData, lineConfig);
  1. Config File
let lineConfig = {
  setWidth: 600,
  setHeight: 400,
  shiftXAxis: true,
  xDomainUpper: 50,
  xDomainLower: 0,
  yDomainUpper: 40,
  yDomainLower: 0,
  xTicks: 10,
  yTicks: 10,
  xScale: 'counter',
  yScale: 'num_bikes_available',
  xLabel_text: 'at the currently reporting station',
  yLabel_text: 'number of available bikes'
  1. Html
 <div id="line-chart"></div>

Specific Configuration Settings for the Bubble Graph

  1. Method
  myStream.connect((socket) => {
    myStream.bubbleGraph(socket, bubbleData, bubbleConfig);
  1. Config File
let bubbleConfig = {
  setWidth: 600,
  setHeight: 400,
  text: 'station_id',
  volume: 'num_bikes_available',
  1. Html
 <div id="bubble-graph"></div>

Specific Configuration Settings for the Pie Chart

  1. Method
    myStream.connect((socket) => {
      myStream.pie(socket, pieData, pieConfig);
  1. Config File
 let pieConfig = {
   setWidth: 400,                   
   setHeight: 400,                  
   category: 'genre',//category to be show in pie slices
   count: 'count'
  1. Html
 <div id="pie-chart"></div>

Specific Configuration Settings for the Scatter

  1. Method
   myStream.connect((socket) => {
     myStream.scatter(socket, scatterData, scatterConfig);
  1. Config File
 let scatterConfig = {
   setWidth: 600,
   setHeight: 400,
   xDomainUpper: 1500,
   xDomainLower: 0,
   yDomainUpper: 20000,
   yDomainLower: 0,
   xTicks: 10,
   yTicks: 10,
   xLabel_text: 'Number of Followers',
   yLabel_text: 'Number of Tweets',
   label_font_size: 20,
   xScale: 'followers_count',
   yScale: 'statuses_count',
   volume: 'favourites_count',
   circle_text: '',
   transition_speed: 5000,
  1. Html
 <div id="scatter-plot"></div>

Specific Configuration Settings for the World Map

  1. Method
   myStream.connect((socket) => {
     myStream.map(socket, scatterData, scatterConfig);
  1. Config File
let mapConfig = {
  setWidth: 1300,
  setHeight: 800,
  latitude: 'latitude',
  longitude: 'longitude',
  mapItem: 'satellite', //the thing being mapped
  propTwo: '',
  1. Html
 <div id="map"></div>
  1. Either download map-source.js from this repo and link to it in your html file OR add this script tag:
 <script src="https://unpkg.com/topojson-client@3"></script>
  1. For color, add this script tag:
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3-scale-chromatic.v1.min.js">