
A mirror of the Autotable Gitlab repository.

Primary LanguageElmMIT LicenseMIT


An in-development datatable for Elm. The code is going to be a bit bad for a while but the functionality should work as advertised regardless.


  • Sorting
  • Filtering
  • Pagination
  • Row selection
  • Row editing
  • Drag and drop reorderable columns
  • No CSS, and therefore no opinion on how it looks. Bring your own styles
  • Ability to enable/disable features
  • A just-ok API!


The table itself does no styling beyond two column widths. To style the demo, I use elm-css. The table itself has the class autotable, so that can be used to style anything within the table. Learn your CSS selectors if you haven't already. There are also a few more class names in use that can (and should) be styled:

  • span.autotable__sort-indicator - The up/down arrow that displays the sorting direction for a column.
  • div.autotable__pagination - Container for the pagination buttons.
  • button.autotable__pagination-page - The pagination buttons themselves.
  • button.autotable__pagination-active - The pagination button for the current page.
  • th.autotable__column - All standard column headers.
  • th.autotable__column-{key} - Header cell for the column with the given key. Most likely to be used to set the column's width.
  • th.autotable__column-filter - All column filter cells.
  • th.autotable__column-filter-{key} - Filter input cell for the column with the given key. Should probably be set to the same width as the class above, if set.
  • th.autotable__checkbox-header - Both checkbox header cells. Most likely used to set the column's width.
  • td.autotable__checkbox - Checkbox cells.
  • th.autotable__actions-header - Both action header cells (e.g. edit button). Most likely used to set the column's width.
  • th.autotable__actions - Action cells.


If you're going to use drag and drop columns, you'll need this Javascript:

document.body.addEventListener('dragstart', e =>
  e.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', null))

Here's a minimal example:

import Autotable as AT
import Autotable.Options exposing (..)

type Model =
  { tableState : AT.Model }

type Msg
  = TableMsg AT.Msg

options : Options
options =
    Options Sorting Filtering Selecting Dragging Editing (Pagination 10) (Fill 10)

{-| Ideally `data` and `columns` are defined somewhere.
init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init _ =
  { tableState = AT.init "my-table" columns data options }

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
  case msg of
    TableMsg tableMsg ->
      ( { model | tableState = AT.update tableMsg model.tableState }, Cmd.none )

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
  div [] [ AT.view model.tableState TableMsg ]

For a more complete example, see the basic one.