- 0
#5193 opened by leaglprogramers - 0
Outdated ADMesh Sources (CVE-2022-38072)
#5191 opened by Garnik645 - 0
Building for windows on arm
#5190 opened by imjosecampos - 5
crush after installing on MacOS Sonata 14.4.1
#5187 opened by jiashuow - 0
brim and skirt glacial speed
#5188 opened by xvart - 7
Slic3r does not open settings
#5172 opened by AleyRobotics - 1
Small issue with the Wizard - Text over the buttons.
#5186 opened by leoheck - 0
Additional Skirt / Draft Shield settings to improve Ooze shield functionality
#5185 opened by CTRLurself - 1
View-obstructing infill
#5184 opened by doordormeta - 0
Slice to SVG limits layer height to 0.5mm
#5183 opened by danecek099 - 7
Bug Report/Feature Request: Extrusion Calculations At Corners Result In Unsightly Bulges
#5182 opened by rf1k-mjh11 - 6
Is Slic3r dead?
#5158 opened by kevinoue - 2
Slic3r crashes on launch with "PC register does not match crashing frame" - mac Sonoma 14.0
#5180 opened by EricPayrot - 1
Any examples for simple uses of the libSlic3r API
#5143 opened by MBeghal - 2
Planned usage of the 3MF format with the slice extension?
#5178 opened by Patlax - 0
Website download links broken
#5181 opened by whudson - 1
Is this project dead?
#5175 opened by inson1 - 1
How to install on FreeBSD 13.1?
#5166 opened by rajhlinux - 1
Z-offset error
#5176 opened by Xhroy - 1
Usage of Slic3r
#5177 opened by jusssch - 1
Slic3r failed to build with "error C2146: syntax error: missing ')' before identifier 'and'" with MSVC on Windows amd64
#5171 opened by Luan-Novaes - 0
only one contour and no Infills added to .svg when exporting 3D-object to svg (files>slice to svg)
#5179 opened by Patlax - 3
- 0
- 0
Enhancement request: avoid "No layers were detected. You might want to repair your STL file(s) or check their size or thickness and retry"
#5169 opened by walkjivefly - 0
Command Line issues
#5168 opened by mageedoo - 3
- 0
connect loose ends to the rest of the print.
#5165 opened by rewolff - 1
Is slic3r compatible with SUNLU PLA filament?
#5164 opened by huminlian - 2
Dowload links are all broken.
#5163 opened by Sinux1 - 0
Printing Metal Optomec software
#5161 opened by EdisonSanchezMaldonado - 0
top layer in spiral vase
#5160 opened by NinjaAtWork - 0
Bad gcode syntax with --gcode-flavor=no-extrusion
#5159 opened by adaviel - 1
Slic3r v1.3.0 gcode exported start without preheat nozzle and bed in ender 3
#5151 opened by felinomaker - 1
two different flow rates for two extruders in slice 3r
#5157 opened by ecsmech - 0
Continuous Fiber Fabrication (CFF) Development - ($$$ paid development possible)
#5155 opened by adamrumjahn - 0
Infill Error/Gap when: 100% Infill AND Ovewidth of Infill AND fill-gaps AND Perimeter x2 AND overhang
#5154 opened by dr-occams-r - 4
- 11
Can't export to multiple SVG's from commandline.
#5153 opened by PMKrol - 6 is down. Cant access automated builds
#5142 opened by vascojdb - 2
Slic3r Proxy issue
#5152 opened by SteinerMcNein - 0
Stitch the layers using injection molded rivets
#5150 opened by Harvie - 0
Breakable internal supports for "print in place" designs.
#5149 opened by aalku - 0
- 2
- 1
libslic3r - Issues
#5145 opened by Yejneshwar - 0
- 0
- 4
- 0
when slicing from command line an object with 3 volumes/shells, the print center is displaced
#5138 opened by lucaskmiyazaki