Name Ideas:

  • SportSlot
  • SportsLot
  • SportsPlay
  • ChipMunk (chipmunk holding chips)
  • Team Player
  • ($20/year)

Logo Ideas:

  • Dice with sport icons
  • Viking Pirate
  • Coins with sport icon
  • Currency sign with ball in center
  • Betting chip with sports
  • Pizza Slices

Odds Multiplier

Wins In Week Multiplier
16 50.0
15 25.0
14 20.0
13 15.0
12 10.0
11 5.0
10 4.0
9 3.5
8 3.0
7 2.5
6 2.0
5 1.8
4 1.6
3 1.4
2 1.2
1 1.0

Wikia for Team Player

Directions: Go to Wiki Tab to view Pages

Organized by Sprints

Rough Draft Of Models


  • ID (object ID)
  • Name (STR)
  • Email (email)
  • Username (STR)
  • Password (STR)
  • PizzaSlicesTotal (INT)
  • PizzaSlicesWeekly (INT) (resets to 200 every week)
  • Wins (INT)
  • Loses (INT)
  • Favorite Teams (Array(Object)) (Team Reference)
  • Friends (Array(Object)) (User Reference)
  • Leagues (Array(Object)) (League Reference)
  • Bets (Array(Object)) (Bet Reference)
  • GlobalRank (INT)
  • Permissions (INT)
  • Commends (INT)
  • Reports (INT)
  • Badge (STR)
  • Achievements (Array(STR))
  • Comments (Array(Object)) (Comment Reference)

Game Thread

  • ID (object ID)
  • Bets (Array(Object)) (Bet Reference)
  • Winner (Object)
  • IsFinished (Boolean)
  • Comments (Array(Object)) (Comment Reference)
  • Game (Object) (Game Reference)


  • ID (object ID)
  • Week (INT)
  • HomeTeam (Object) (Team Reference) - LOGO - COLORS - NAME - KEY
  • AwayTeam (Object) (Team Reference) - LOGO - COLORS - NAME - KEY
  • Date (Date)
  • Winner (Object)
  • GameThread (Object) (Team Reference)


  • ID (object ID)
  • Owner (Object) (User Reference)
  • OnGame (Object) (Game Thread Reference)
  • TeamBetOn (Object) (Team Reference)
  • SlicesBet (INT)


  • ID (object ID)
  • FullName (STR)
  • Key (STR)
  • PlaceName (STR)
  • TeamName (STR)
  • Conference (STR)
  • Division (STR)
  • ByeWeek (INT)
  • HeadCoach (STR)
  • OffensiveCoordinator (STR)
  • DeffensiveCoordinator (STR)
  • SpecialTeamsCoach (STR)
  • Wins (INT)
  • Losses (INT)
  • Draws (INT)
  • WikiLogoURL (STR)
  • WikiWordMarkURL (STR)
  • PrimaryColor (STR) (hex)
  • SecondaryColor (STR) (hex)
  • TertiaryColor (STR) (hex)
  • StadiumDetails (Object)


  • ID (object ID)
  • Name (STR)
  • Members (Array(Object)) (User Reference)
  • IsActive (Boolean)
  • Ranking (Array(Object)) (User Reference) (Ordered Descending)


  • ID (object ID)
  • Owner (Object) (User Reference)
  • Comments (Array) (Comment Reference)
  • SlicesToEnter (INT)


  • correctBets : Number of bets guessed correctly by user
  • slicesBetted : Amout of slices betted on a game
  • slicesWon : Total amount of slices won all together from all games won
  • multiplier: Amount from the multiplier table
  • totalSlices : Total slices won after multiplier has been applied

slicesWon = 2(slicesBetted) SIGMA correctBets

totalSlices = slicesWon x multiplier

API Endpoints


  • GET /users -> Reads all users
  • GET /users/:id -> Read user based off id
  • GET /users/:id/bets -> Reads all bets made by user based off ID
  • GET /gamethreads -> Reads all game threads
  • GET /games/weekTotal/NFL -> Returns total weeks in an NFL regular season
  • GET /games/week/:week -> Read all the games for the games
  • GET /gamethreads/:id -> Read game thread based off id
  • GET /gamethreads/week/:week -> Read all gamethreads for the week
  • GET /comments/all/gamethread/:id -> get all comments on a gamethread
  • GET /users/leaderboard/global -> returns users sorted on leaderboards
  • GET /users/leaderboard/week/:week -> returns users sorted on leaderboards on weekly basis
  • GET /gamethreads/:id/bets -> Read all bets made on a game thread based off ID
  • GET /bets -> Reads all bets (caution)
  • GET /bets/:id -> Read bet based off id
  • GET /teams -> Reads all teams
  • GET /teams/:id -> Read team based off id
  • GET /leagues -> Reads all leagues
  • GET /leagues/:id -> Read leagues based off id
  • obtain team records


  • POST /gamethreads -> Creates a gamethread. Requires a req.body
  • POST /bets/add/gamethread/:id -> Creates a bet. Requires a req.body
  • POST /comments/add/gamethread/:id -> Creates a comment on a gamthread
  • POST /leagues -> Create a league
  • POST /authenticate/signup -> signup
  • POST /authenticate/login -> login


  • PATCH /users/:id -> Updates a user based off id
  • PATCH /gamethreads/:id -> Updates a gamethread based off id
  • PATCH /bets/:id -> Updates a bet based off id
  • PATCH /teams/:id -> Updates a team based off id
  • PATCH /leagues/:id -> Updates a league based off id


  • DELETE /users/:id -> Deletes a user based off id
  • DELETE /gamethreads/:id -> Deletes a gamethread based off id
  • DELETE /bets/:id -> Deletes a bet based off id
  • DELETE /teams/:id -> Deletes a team based off id
  • DELETE /leagues/:id -> Deletes a league based off id


  • First NFL game of a week is on a thursday night.
  • Last NFL game of a week is on a monday night.
  • Majority of NFL games happen on a sunday.
  • Some NFL games happen around saturday,
  • On a thanksgiving thursday, more NFL games occur.


  • After the last game of the week, midnight monday or very early tuesday.


  • Bet on any future game to your liking, doesn't have to be on current week at all.
  • Closes the day of the game


  • Must reset before the games open for betting


Project suspended as of now