This streaming website is for private use only.
serveing any movie content, shared by others on the torrent networks as a stream.
making meta-search on The Piratebay, Kickass torrents and plots results (with poster, info and score) to stream directly in browser.
adds sub if found in torrent, if not then fetching it from subdb and inserts it.
This streaming website is for private use only.
dont forget to get yourself a free omdb api key to plot posters @
go build -o app
export OMDB_KEY=your_omdb_key
docker build . -t torrentstream
docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 5000:5000 torrentstream
pc@me:~$ ./app --help
Usage of ./app:
-dir string
directory for temporary files (default "tmp")
-dl int
max bytes per second (download) (default -1)
-http string
http server address (default ":8080")
-idle string
idle time before closing (default "15m")
-maximum int
maximum active torrents (default 50)
-nodes int
maximum connections per torrent (default 100)
seed after download
-seeders int
minimum seeders (default 1)
-site int
check torrent sites (minutes) (default 100)
-ul int
max bytes per second (upload) (default -1)