
The aquiver is a java web framework based on netty

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


The aquifer is a java web framework based on jdk11 and netty

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Quick Start

Create a basic Maven or Gradle project.

Do not create a webapp project, Aquiver does not require much trouble.

Run with Maven:


Create Http Server

public class Application {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   Aquiver.run(Main.class, args);

Route Register

@GET(value = "/get")
public String get() {

Or Use @Path

@Path(value = "/path",method = PathMethod.GET)
public String path(){

Get Param

@Path(value = "/path", method = PathMethod.GET)
public String path(@Param String paramName){

Get Cookie

@Path(value = "/path", method = PathMethod.GET)
public String path(@Param String cookieName){

Get Body

@Path(value = "/path", method = PathMethod.POST)
public String path(@Body User user){

File Upload

@POST(value = "/uploadFile")
public void uploadFile(@FileUpload MultipartFile file) {
  log.info("fileName:{}", file.getFileName());
  try {
  } catch (IOException e) {

Multi File Upload

@POST(value = "/uploadFiles")
public void uploadFileS(@MultiFileUpload List<MultipartFile> files) {
  log.info("file size:{}", files.size());
  for (MultipartFile multipartFile : files) {
    log.info("fileName:{}", multipartFile.getFileName());
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {



Copyright (c) 2018-present, Yi (Ever) Wang