Unable to install on SublimeText 3 [Mac OS X] from package manager
mrThe opened this issue · 5 comments
I'll tried to install it from package manager and nothing happened. (After restart nothing changed)
After it, i install it manually, and everything works, so maybe it problem with package manager.
I installed it via the package manager and it worked, but only after restart.
I had to do the follow to make this work:
- Package Control Add Repository:
- Package Control Add Package:
You saved me @jaredjenkins.
I updated to some patch of sublime and ruby-slim wasn't working. Couldn't be found in set highlighting.
After removing it manually and Adding repository, I was able to install it normally as package and is working...
Thanks @jaredjenkins. It worked for me too with your instructions.
It's been a while, and both the package manager and Sublime have seen many updates. I'm closing this for now, but please comment if this issue is reproducible.