- 4
Syntax Package for Sublime Text 4107+
#84 opened by deathaxe - 8
Syntax highlighting stops after a markdown block
#81 opened by DannyBen - 2
Text block started with a tag
#75 opened by printercu - 5
- 1
Syntax highlighting not working
#55 opened by brauliobo - 4
Multiline attribute recognized as tag
#76 opened by elquimista - 1
- 2
not listed in sublime package control
#80 opened by baezanat - 4
Error loading syntax file ST4, Debian 11 "Bullseye"
#82 opened by gusrub - 1
Error with syntax highlight
#78 opened by maxdbn - 5
Looking for maintainers!
#73 opened by fredwu - 4
Ruby syntax error - unexpected end-of-input
#79 opened by gemp - 7
`class` hash key recognized as ruby keyword
#77 opened by elquimista - 1
Include in Readme Support for Chocolatapp
#35 opened by ZephiroRB - 1
BBEdit Support
#30 opened by davesag - 8
Comments not being greyed out.
#74 opened by unmultimedio - 3
- 3
Error loading syntax file on Sublime 3
#54 opened by DamirSvrtan - 2
- 4
Syntax Highlight
#18 opened by petervaro - 5
- 1
- 2
Nested languages
#21 opened by d-Pixie - 1
First line of nested block not using correct syntax
#72 opened by elDub - 2
Annoying indentation
#19 opened by simonc - 3
- 3
Syntax highlight with rails helper
#36 opened by pywebdesign - 2
Inline ruby not properly highlighted
#41 opened by mitch-sge - 0
Comment block highlighting not correct
#70 opened by elquimista - 10
First line after `do` gets styled as ruby
#53 opened by halloffame - 5
Opening a file crashes SB3 when using ruby-slim
#65 opened by Nerian - 3
Autocomplete and Autoindentation
#48 opened by allthetime - 9
Multiline Ruby doesn't work
#47 opened by noinkling - 9
March 28 release breaks Sublime Text 2
#60 opened by DannyBen - 4
- 2
- 3
- 0
Block comments not Highlighted correctly
#38 opened by ktaragorn - 15
- 0
Sublime package ignores settings
#51 opened by marcindobry - 0
- 2
Add support for Sublime Text 3
#33 opened by silasjmatson - 6
Move to slim-template organization
#24 opened by minad - 3
" ___ ".tmSnippet is not a valid name on Windows
#17 opened by chrisyip - 10
- 3
- 5
- 1
[Sublime Text 2] Cannot install on Windows 7 (x64)
#12 opened by ematta - 0
Same line : syntax
#10 opened by willcosgrove - 3