Slim is a template language whose goal is to reduce the syntax to the essential parts without becoming cryptic.
Pinned issues
- 0
Rails 7.1 strict locals?
#958 opened by ibrahima - 0
Benchmarks section in readme is outdated
#956 opened by tagliala - 0
Conversion back to ERB results in oddities
#954 opened by nbarone-authorium - 2
Cannot call method defined in ruby:
#952 opened by LevitatingBusinessMan - 0
tree-sitter support
#951 opened by janko - 1
Using uppercase tags for components
#946 opened by steerio - 3
- 1
Undefined method `+' for ActionView::OutputBuffer when using the splat operator
#945 opened by xkraty - 1
Weird behavior in rails 7.1
#944 opened by la-magra - 1
Extract all used css classes (as far as possible) via AST/parser for tailwind's purgecss
#871 opened by emilebosch - 2
- 0
Can't capture blocks or use instance variables
#885 opened by activestylus - 1
variable markdown filter at compilation time
#866 opened by noraj - 1
Better way to handle boolean attributes?
#929 opened by techdude - 0
Test Rails 7 in CI
#920 opened by minad - 0
Setup Rubocop in CI
#927 opened by minad - 6
nested output rendering
#921 opened by kadru - 5
- 3
Sorbet support
#896 opened by Nitrodist - 6
How can I set <script> attribute?
#916 opened by josemateuss - 7
Website down
#890 opened by tdegrunt - 4
Not possible to escape quotes in an attribute value?
#856 opened by yjukaku - 1
JavaScript Include Tag for Subresource Integrity
#854 opened by dtangeeda - 1
Action Text: Rich Text Content displayed as raw html
#879 opened by diabolo - 20
Slim 5 no longer working with Middleman: "NameError: uninitialized constant #<Class:0x0000000106bf2320>::ActionView"
#909 opened by henrik - 5
- 1
Is it possible to release a JavaScript version
#914 opened by messizqin - 14
Support of Tailwind Arbitrary Classes
#906 opened by snguyenG2 - 5
Feature request: Allow white space around pipe text
#882 opened by donv - 10
[master] Using a ruby attribute breaks html tag, its attributes and content concatenation
#898 opened by iriscoopers - 0
CodeClimate maintinability badge is not working
#908 opened by tagliala - 2
- 6
New release
#897 opened by floh96 - 1
Support for annotate_rendered_view_with_filenames
#867 opened by no-dashes - 2
- 1
- 2
- 1
Convert shortcut classes to standard classes
#881 opened by KevinBerthier - 3
Is Slim unmaintained?
#883 opened by henrik - 2
Multiline Attributes without using delimiters
#874 opened by dsynkd - 1
Embedded sass: won’t work with sass-embedded
#889 opened by scivola - 4
- 1
- 0
Sponsoring Slim
#891 opened by minad - 4
- 2
Using slim for plain text email templates in Rails
#880 opened by diabolo - 2
- 1
Getting "We Couldn't Find That Gem" page for docs
#868 opened by pookah-net - 1
Ruby code in code element derails slimrb if it contains a string with an escaped expression
#863 opened by n8chz - 1
Tag convention on v4.1.0
#860 opened by tnir