
Popular images built, hardened, and tested — every day.

Primary LanguageShell


Slim.AI's Community Image Repository

Welcome to Slim.AI Community Images.

These slimmed, hardened containers use the Slim Developer Platform to create production-ready container examples with fewer vulnerabilities, reduced attack surface, and a streamlined software supply chain.

Containers hardened via Slim typically see a 50- to 80-percent reduction in vulnerabilities, size, and number of files and packages. Slim's proprietary process also removes potential attack surface including shells, package managers, and dev tools (think: curl or git).

Eliminate the manual effort to manage container optimization through Dockerfile, multi-stage builds, and changing distributions. Let your developers work the way they want, and run the Slim process to harden your containers for production with speed and confidence.

Types of Images

In this repository, you'll find two types of images:

  • Hello World Examples that leverage a simple app built on a popular base image and are meant as application starting points for web apps, APIs, or other microservices.
  • Standalone Applications: These are fully functional images that leverage (where available) the end-to-end testing suites of the project itself. They can be used as drop-in replacements or as a jumping off point for a customer configuration.

How does it work?

Community images are built using Slim.AI's Automated Container Hardening capability.

Flow chart of hardening process

First, build your image using any base image you please. Slim then adds a layer containing the Slim Sensor that will observe the image as it runs against a test suite. The Slim Sensor collects intelligence about what the container needs to run and what it doesn't. This information is shared with the Slim platform, which in turn creates a functionally equivalent, hardened container.

We then re-run the same test suite to ensure the container operates as expected. The new container can be used in production instances with confidence that it is safe and secure.

Community Image Slimming Status

Hello World Examples

These images are examples using popular base images such as node:latest. They build a simple application on top of the image and use the Slim platform to remove unnecessary libraries, dev tools, and files. They are not meant to be used as base images themselves, but rather serve as examples where you can replace the Hello World application code with your own.

Project Status Image Last Update
NodeJS Hello World library/node:latest 2024-02-01T04:10:35.471Z
Rust Hello World library/rust:latest 2024-02-01T16:11:12.645Z
Ruby Hello World library/ruby:latest 2024-02-08T01:10:14.694Z
Ruby on Rails Hello World library/ruby:3.1.3 2023-03-28T08:58:05.388Z
JRuby Hello World library/jruby:latest 2024-02-02T19:11:25.382Z
PHP Hello World library/php:latest 2024-02-01T04:10:38.044Z
Python Flask Hello World library/python:latest 2024-02-08T01:10:07.161Z
Python Django Hello World library/python:3.10.0 2023-03-28T08:57:28.153Z
Dart Hello World library/dart:latest 2024-02-02T10:08:53.813Z
Erlang Hello World library/erlang:latest 2024-02-01T10:12:29.034Z
Groovy Grails Hello World library/groovy:latest 2024-02-02T19:19:36.110Z
Elixir Hello World library/elixir:latest 2024-02-07T04:12:01.429Z
Haxe Hello World library/haxe:latest 2024-02-01T13:09:51.804Z
Julia Hello World library/julia:latest 2024-02-01T18:15:17.540Z
Swift Hello World library/swift:latest 2024-02-02T04:14:42.786Z
Haskell Hello World library/haskell:latest 2024-02-01T01:17:24.831Z
Golang Hello World library/golang:latest 2024-02-07T16:10:11.636Z
Perl Hello World library/perl:latest 2024-02-01T16:11:00.673Z
Clojure Hello World library/clojure:latest 2024-02-01T01:12:17.874Z
PyPy & FastAPI Hello World library/pypy:latest 2024-02-01T16:11:13.917Z
Mono Hello World library/mono:latest 2024-02-01T06:15:57.924Z
OpenJDK Hello World library/openjdk:latest 2023-03-28T09:05:05.858Z
Amazon Corretto Hello World library/amazoncorretto:latest 2024-02-02T04:11:47.475Z
NGINX Hello World library/nginx:latest 2024-02-01T18:14:17.866Z
HTTPD Hello World library/httpd:latest 2024-02-01T16:08:52.302Z
Tomcat Hello World library/tomcat:latest 2024-02-02T16:10:50.044Z
Jetty Hello World library/jetty:latest 2024-02-03T04:09:33.202Z

Standalone Applications

These applications are standalone containers that can run on their own. Where necessary, they include basic configurations and use the end-to-end testing suites for project to exercise the container. These images can be used as is (without warranty) or tweaked for your own use.

Project Status Image Last Update
Redis library/redis:latest 2024-02-01T16:23:34.501Z
Grafana grafana/grafana:latest-ubuntu 2024-01-23T22:08:19.099Z
Prometheus prom/prometheus:latest 2024-01-15T19:10:27.842Z
Drupal library/drupal:9.4.9-php8.1 2023-04-20T10:59:55.554Z
Wordpress library/wordpress:latest 2024-02-01T21:11:30.201Z
Maven Build Jar library/maven:latest 2024-02-02T18:20:33.440Z
Gradle Build Jar library/gradle:latest 2024-02-03T10:11:53.875Z
Jenkins jenkins/jenkins:latest 2024-02-06T16:17:09.584Z
PHP Zend Server library/php-zendserver:latest 2023-06-02T06:35:27.877Z


Images and code are provided under the MIT License. Slim.AI does not assume responsibility nor warranty the functionality of these container images or code.