
CircleCI Orb Demo Project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Slim Scanner CircleCI Orb: Node.JS Demo

CircleCI Orb Demo Project to demonstrate configuration with a Node.JS project with Docker Container.

Setting up CircleCI Slim.AI Orb

Slim.AI has a public CircleCI Orb that's configurable for your Node.JS project with a Docker Container. This Orb conducts vulnerability scans, creates container profiles, and generates reports, allowing you to seamlessly access these artifacts from the CircleCI pipeline. As your project grows and scales, all these images and their associated data are available on the Slim platform for comprehensive analysis over time.

Blog: Node.JS Example

Project Environment Variables

Your Node.JS project will need the following environment variables:

  • DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD and DOCKERHUB_USERNAME are your Docker Hub credentials. Sign up here
  • SLIM_ORG_ID and SLIM_API_TOKEN are found in the Slim Platform, from your Profile Settings, in the Tokens and Organization tabs. Sign up here
  • CONNECTOR_ID is found in the Slim Platform, under My Registries, after connecting a new Dockerhub registry.

About the .circleci/config.yml file

The Slim.AI Orb is imported into your project here along with other orbs, with a organization identifier and orb slug, for example slimdevops/slim-ai-test-orb@0.0.5. Other notable areas of the configuration include:

  • parameters contain CircleCI Orb meta information about the Docker image and connector used by Slim.AI. It specifies the Docker image (image-name) and the tag for cimg/base (cimg-tag)
  • jobs outlines tasks in the workflow. publishLatestToHub builds and pushes the Node.js app's Docker image to Docker Hub.
  • workflows defines the sequence of jobs. The engine-execution workflow first publishes the image, then scans the image using the 'slim-ai-test-orb/scan' job.

CircleCI Artifacts

With each project build, the orb will generate Artifacts viewable in your CircleCI workflows. Find the JSON output of the container profile XRay.json and vulnerability scan vuln.json. Start with the readme.html, found in the CircleCI artifacts tab, to navigate to the Slim portal for images and reports.

Slim Community

For more information about configuring containers, vulnerability scans, or this orb example, check out SlimDevOps Community and the blog