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Guide for Slim skeleton
#299 opened by abelardolg - 2
User actions should be in the Domain namespace instead of the Application namespace
#342 opened by kanevbg - 3
PHP version bump
#344 opened by JimTools - 1
Create a Slim project without the user example
#337 opened by programarivm - 0
Log levels are now stored as an enum Monolog\Level
#334 opened by anzweidrej - 3
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PHP warnings cause the response to be a mess consisting of a partial JSON and an error JSON
#327 opened by sschultze - 0
.htaccess files
#313 opened by Vakrug - 0
DataBase in action.php
#315 opened by francirrenio - 1
Controller Middleware
#279 opened by devlamine - 2
- 0
#278 opened by mat-k-witts - 3
Root URL includes unnecessary slash when installed in subfolder, how to remove it?
#317 opened by yutakatsuchida - 0
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I don't want a local server
#328 opened by cpgb85 - 0
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Status code 405
#233 opened by jagadishnallappa - 8
Example for beginners on how to call vars from $this when looking at values from settings.php
#248 opened by Guyverix - 2
Error 500
#250 opened by webserveis - 1
Compatibility with PHP 8.1
#253 opened by itsAnuga - 0
#247 opened by mattkomarnicki - 4
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Could i have conflict editing files of skeleton with a potential slim update ?
#244 opened by dpanta94 - 1
Install of phpstan/extension-installer failed
#215 opened by notRuslan - 3
install composer package symfony/console
#216 opened by aboutsam - 1
How to enable CORS policy
#230 opened by arkgnan - 1
Middleware on response not working on exception throw. Any possible solution?
#229 opened by daler445 - 8
Request an example of a POST inside the skeleton
#222 opened by Guyverix - 1
405, Method not allowed. Must be one of: OPTIONS
#221 opened by hanafiahtkj - 5
Package phpunit/php-token-stream is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
#211 opened by beppe9000 - 2
GET test with Query Params
#198 opened by PedroPMS - 2
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Question: How to pass post body to request
#183 opened by adaamz - 2
autoload location
#175 opened by jmslapa - 2
#153 opened by erlangparasu - 3
Example error handling with action
#171 opened by mbordash - 1
Getting 404 error for every request (IIS)
#146 opened by ThisIsVegas - 2
Too Complex Starting Point
#150 opened by nixoncode - 1
Abandoned dependency: jeremeamia/superclosure
#174 opened by QinisoM - 1
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There was no release for some time
#159 opened by maciekpaprocki - 2
Missing dependency.php due to update?
#157 opened by viertelb - 1
Testing POST action
#152 opened by antilef - 2
Structure of ActionPayload?
#151 opened by josefsabl - 6
Middleware doesn't work
#147 opened by bautrukevich - 4
[Question] How To Get Route URI from Name
#145 opened by eskies - 1
#138 opened by sultanshakir - 1
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