
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This Component lets you integrate p5 Sketches into your React App.

Original Code was from Ivan Malyugin from a Discussion in the React Forum

Demo & Examples

Live demo: NeroCor.github.io/react-p5-wrapper

To build the examples locally, run:

npm install
npm start

Then open localhost:8000 in a browser.


The easiest way to use react-p5-wrapper is to install it from NPM and include it in your own React build process (using Browserify, Webpack, etc).

You can also use the standalone build by including dist/react-p5-wrapper.js in your page. If you use this, make sure you have already included React, and it is available as a global variable.

npm install react-p5-wrapper --save


var P5Wrapper = require('react-p5-wrapper');
import P5Wrapper from 'react-p5-wrapper';

<P5Wrapper sketch={sketch} />

An Sketch could look like this:

export default function sketch (p) {
  let rotation = 0;

  p.setup = function () {
    p.createCanvas(600, 400, p.WEBGL);

  p.myCustomRedrawAccordingToNewPropsHandler = function (props) {
    if (props.rotation){
      rotation = props.rotation * Math.PI / 180;

  p.draw = function () {

In the Example above you see the myCustomRedrawAccordingToNewPropsHandler function. This function is called if Properties of the wrapper component are changing. In this case the Wrapper Component would be integrated like this: <P5Wrapper sketch={sketch} rotation={rotation}/>.


  • sketch: This is the Sketch Script which should be executed in the P5 Canvas
  • You can add as many custom Properties as you want

Development (src, lib and the build process)

NOTE: The source code for the component is in src. A transpiled CommonJS version (generated with Babel) is available in lib for use with node.js, browserify and webpack. A UMD bundle is also built to dist, which can be included without the need for any build system.

To build, watch and serve the examples (which will also watch the component source), run npm start. If you just want to watch changes to src and rebuild lib, run npm run watch (this is useful if you are working with npm link).


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2016 Andreas Wolf.