
Oct 2022

This is the collaborative project of UBC CPEN 502 Achitecture for Learning System


Jiahe Liu

Linger Shen

How to run

Run with robocode

  • Load all the dependencies in maven pom.xml

  • Run robocode with your IDE

    • Set the VM option

      -DNOSECURITY = true -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false 
  • Add this line to $your_robocode_directory/config/robocode.properties , to prevent partial logging to file. If you cannot, or can only save part of your data to local files, it may be because the total size of your saved files exceeds the default disk space quota (200, 000) by Robocode. Here is a temporary solution that sets the default filesystem quota for robots:



  • Compile your java code, with

    mvn clean
    mvn compile
    mvn package

    Remember to recompile your code everytime you modify something.

  • After the robocode opens, select "Options --> Preferences --> Developer options"

    • Add your robot class path to the dialog,

      e.g. mine is,

  • Start Battle

    In robocode,

    • select "Battle --> New",

    • cmd + R to refresh (remember to refresh, sometime it might not appear at first)

    • Select your robot and "sample.MyFirstRobot", then Click "Next"

    • Number of rounds = 100000

    • Click "Start Battle"

    • Then you can get back to sleep 😇 Good Luck with your robots (ps. It takes me 1.5h+ to run 100000 rounds)

  • Draw graphs

    • The output log will be in $CPEN502_Project/target/classes/robotRunnerLUT.data

    • You can move those output logs to $CPEN502_Project/outputs/robotRunnerLUT.data

      (Since everytime you "mvn clean", the target directory will be deleted)

    • Add your code in $CPEN502_Project/outputs/robotRunnerLUT.data/drawFig.py to draw a graph