- Sylogger is Application Service
- for matrix-org/synapse server. It provide ability for logging every communication event on homeserver.
In this log you can see:
- who, when and what wrote
- who and where upload file, link to uploaded file
- who and when create/rename/modify room
What you will not see in log:
- End-2-end encrypted comunications - they can not be decrypted on the server side.
- Clone
git clone https://github.com/matrix-org/sylogger
- Change dir to clonned source
- Edit your
: add to listapp_service_config_files:
path tosylogger.yaml
- Edit
if you need change listen ip or port (do not foget to set same settings insylogger.conf
) - Edit
to setup listen ip, port, path to log file - Restart synapse service to reload configuration
- Start sylogger from source root by
python -m sylogger.sylogger
- Run
pip install https://github.com/matrix-org/sylogger/tarball/master
- Edit your
: add to listapp_service_config_files:
path tosylogger.yaml
(by default/etc/matrix-synapse/sylogger.yaml
) - Edit
if you need change listen ip or port (do not foget to set same settings insylogger.conf
) - Edit
to setup listen ip, port, path to log file - Check
- specified user must exist
- specified paths must exist
- specified path to
must match the path in your system
- Restart you synapse server for configuration reload
- Roload systemd units
systemctl daemon-reload
- Start sylogger
systemctl start matrix-sylogger
- Enable sylogger autostart if needs
systemctl enable matrix-sylogger
If after synapse update appear new types of events sylogger will not lose them: all events that hasn't special handler in sylogger will redirected to default handler. Default handler dumps all event data.