
Meteor Accounts for Angular2

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Meteor Accounts API for Angular 2.

Accounts services to be used in custom Angular 2 components.

Wraps over API of different Meteor accounts packages, including "accounts-base", "accounts-password", "accounts-facebook" etc.

Additionally, implements some login specific annotations for a convenience of API users.



Exposes and combines API of the "accounts-base" and "accounts-password" packages.

Makes API more compatible with the Angular 2 code style, e.g., by making methods return promises.

login(usernameOrEmail: string, password: string): Promise<any>

Simple username/password login.

register(newUser: AccountDetails): Promise<any>

Registers a new account. AccountDetails has a format as follows:

  username: string;
  email: string;
  password: string;
  profile?: Object;

For more info, please read here.

forgotPassword(email: string):Promise<any>

Sends out a token to reset current password.

resetPassword(token: string, newPassword: string): Promise<any>

Sets a new password with the token provided forgotPassword.

changePassword(oldPassword: string, newPassword: string): Promise<any>

Simply change current password, given the current password and a new one.

verifyEmail(token: string): Promise<any>

Verifies a user email, passed in the register method during the account registration.


Social services login.

loginWith(provider: string, loginOptions?: LoginOptions): Promise<any>

Login with the help of a particular account provider. Among them are Google, Facebook, Twitter, Github, Meteor etc.

To make a particular account provider available, you will need to install a corresponding package, for example:

meteor add accounts-facebook

if you want to allow logining with Facebook.

Original doc can be found here.

loginOptions is used to provide with the following info:

  requestPermissions?: Array<string>;
  loginStyle: string;


@InjectUser(propName: string)

Injects Meteor's user as a property to a Angular 2 component or directive. Available in the component templates as well.

By default, property called user.

Note that new property will be reactive only if you add urigo:angular2-meteor package.

If you want to change property name, pass in a particular name in the annotation.

Internally implementation bases on wrapping of Meteor.user().


If placed above a component, will prohibit anonymous access to that component. Only logged-in users (via any ways described above) will be able to load it.


Services Usage

Imports one of the services and use it in a component as follows:


import {AccountsService} from 'meteor-accounts';

  selector: 'foo',
  viewProviders: [AccountsService]
  template: '...'
class FooAccounts {
  constructor(private accounts: AccountsService) {}

  onLoginBtnClick(email, pwd) {
    this.accounts.login(email, pwd).then(() => alert('logged in'));

Annotations Usage

import {InjectUser} from 'meteor-accounts';

  selector: 'foo'
  template: '...'
class FooAccounts {
  constructor() {
    // Logs out the current value of Meteor.user(),
    // property is reactive if urigo:angular2-meteor added,
    // can be used in templates as well.