Gathers information about currently offered NFTs and tries to evaluate them against the provided rarity chart (de-duplicated version).
In order to run the script, you have to have NodeJS installed and should be familiar with editing a simple configuration file
- clone the project from github (
git clone
) cd cnft-crawler/
npm install
simply edit the file under /config/ to fit your lookup criteria
and run it via
❯ node src/index.js
Additionally, you can override any parameter in the config file by using it as an argument
❯ node src/index.js --project="Cardano Caricatures" --extraTags="epic" "rare" --minPrice=20 --maxPrice=120 --filter="extraTags"
❯ node src/index.js crawl --minPrice=600 --maxPrice=1800 --project="Cardano Waifus" --extraTags="SS" --filter="extraTags"
for instance would look for the given project and checks for trait tags epic and rare and flags them
You can also check for the floor of a given project by calling it via
❯ node src/index.js --project="Spacebudz" --floor
which would give an output similar to this
❯ node src/index.js floor --project="Spacebudz"
entering cnft crawler with floor check on project Spacebudz
Current floor for project Spacebudz is 3550 ADA
Have a closer look to the output and decide if you want to check and buy
❯ node src/index.js --help
provides an overview of all possible combinations and options, you can use
module.exports = {
// project to crawl (as shown on projects list)
// project: 'Clay Nation by Clay Mates',
project: 'Bitlands',
// threshold of trait in percent
// if 5 that means, that the trait has to have a minimum of 5% in order to be considered
threshold: 5,
// minimum amount of traits with the above threshold in order to be considered valuable
// if 3 that means, we have to have at least 3 traits with a minimum of 5% in rarity
minTrigger: 5,
// if any of the given extra tags is found in the traits, we consider the item
// valuable, regardless of the percent coverage above
//extraTags: ['blue clay', 'green clay', 'laser eyes', 'duck', 'angel wings', 'orangutan'],
extraTags: ['rare'],
// filters results just based on the given rarity criteria
filter: 'rarity',
// minimum price in ADA
minPrice: 1000,
// maximum price in ADA
maxPrice: 1200,
// maximum amount of pages to crawl - each page has an output of 25 items
maxPages: 15
Clay Nation #47XX - price 125 ADA >> overall rarity ->> 10%
body: White Clay (31.21%)
eyes: Crying eye (4.83%) ***
brows: Pierced Eyebrows (13.33%)
mouth: Fly Tounge (3.7%) ***
clothes: Peace Logo Shirt (4.87%) ***
background: Peach (14.44%)
accessories: Parrot (3.91%) ***
hats and hair: Beanie (3.34%) ***
hats and hair: Beanie (3.34%) ***
at least 4 items below 5% - considered worth checking under:
Clay Nation #02XX - price 200 ADA >> overall rarity ->> 10%
body: White Clay (31.21%)
eyes: Angry Eyes (4.29%) ***
brows: Pierced Eyebrows (13.33%)
mouth: Screaming (1.31%) ***
clothes: Pink Fluffy Jacket (3.56%) ***
background: Serenity (14.23%)
accessories: Gold Chain (7.9%)
hats and hair: Spikey Black Hair (4.01%) ***
at least 4 items below 5% - considered worth checking under: