
Analysis scripts for Lipshutz, Hibbins, et al. 2023. A brief description of the purpose of each script is outlined here. Scripts were run in Python v3 and R v4.


CN_behavior_analyses.R - Examines and visuzalizes attack rate and distance from mount by nest strategy and sex, from simulated territorial intrusions.

CN_testosterone_analyses.R - Examines and visuzalizes plasma testosterone levels by nest strategy and sex, from enzyme immunoassay.

Cavity.Agg.Collect.Allyears.csv - Input file for behavior and testosterone analyses


DEGs_vs_Divergence.R - Visualizes and correlates number of differentially expressed genes between species pairs by degree of evolutionary divergence, for each of five families

Divergence_DEGs.csv - Input file for DEGs vs. Divergence


bentz_gene_permutation_aggmodels.R - Tests for significant overlap between our PhyloDEGs associated with nesting strategy and a list of bird behavioral candidate genes generated by Bentz et al. 2021.

gene_permutation_notbirds_aggmodel.R - Tests for significant overlap between our PhyloDEGs associated with nesting strategy and lists of behavioral candidate genes from several non-bird studies.


aggression_phyloglm.R - Fits phylogenetic generalized linear mixed models (PGLMs) for the relationship of attack rate with nesting strategy, testosterone, and physical distance.


bird_wgcna_pglm.R - Fits PGLMs with three nesting strategies to WGCNA modules inferred with data from both sexes.

bird_wgcna_pglm_F.R - Fits PGLMs with three nesting strategies to WGCNA modules inferred for females.

bird_wgcna_pglm_M.R - Fits PGLMs with three nesting strategies to WGCNA modules inferred for males.

wgcna_2level_pglm.R - Fits PGLMs with two nesting strategies to WGCNA modules inferred with data from both sexes.

wgcna_pglm_2levels_F.R - Fits PGLMs with two nesting strategies to WGCNA modules inferred for females.

wgcna_pglm_2levels_M.R - Fits PGLMs with two nesting strategies to WGCNA modules inferred for males.

Expression - Applies false discovery rate correction to expression PGLMs with two nesting strategies. - Applies false discovery rate correction to expression PGLMs with three nesting strategies.

bird_expression_analyis_2levels.R - Fits a PGLM with two nesting strategies to log-expression of an individual gene.

bird_expression_analysis_attrate.R - Fits a PGLM with three nesting strategies to log-expression of an individual gene.

get_convergent_agg_genes.R - Gets putatively convergent genes significantly associated with aggression in three-strategy models.

get_convergent_nestingstrat_2level_genes.R - Gets putatively convergent genes significantly associated with nesting strategy in two-strategy models.

get_convergent_nestingstrat_genes.R - Gets putatively convergent genes significantly associated with nesting strategy in three-strategy models.

job_scripts/ - SLURM scripts for running gene expression PGLM analyses on high-performance computing clusters. - Counts genes associated with each model term in two-strategy PGLMs, including the sign of the inferred coefficient. - Counts genes associated with each model term in three-strategy PGLMs, including the sign of the inferred coefficient.


CavNesting_RankDivergence.Rmd - Conducts RRHO analysis for both sexes combined.

CavNesting_RankDivergence_Females.Rmd - Conducts RRHO analysis for female expression.

CavNesting_RankDivergence_Males.Rmd - Conducts RRHO analysis for male expression.

count_RRHO_shared.R - Counts highly concordantly expressed genes shared across multiple RRHO family comparisons.


CN_raw_counts.csv - Expression data input file for WGCNA, for both sexes

CN_WGCNA_traits.csv - Trait data input file for WGCNA, for both sexes

WGCNA_cavity_Nesting_allind_cytoscape.R - Runs weighted gene co-expression network analysis for gene expression using data from both sexes. Includes output for cytoscape network visualization.

WGCNA_cavity_Nesting_male.R - Runs weighted gene co-expression network analysis for gene expression using data from males only.

WGCNA_cavity_nesting_female.R - Runs weighted gene co-expression network analysis for gene expression using data from females only.

WGCNA_downstream_analyses.R - Visualizes WGCNA by nest strategy, aggression, and sex. For samples with behavioral assays followed by immediate collection, includes latency analysis.

WGCNA_latency.csv - Input file for WGCNA latency analysis, including module eigengenes.