
chatGPT from the command line

Primary LanguagePython


$ export ChatGPT_UNAME ChatGPT_PWD
$ . main.sh


$ (echo how are you; echo .) > i
$ Thank you for asking! I'm just a computer program, so I don't have feelings, but I'm here and ready to help you with any questions or information you might need. How can I assist you today?
$ echo improve this README file for a github project > i
$ cat README.md > i
$ echo . > i
$ GPT>
chatGPTpipe is a simple project that allows you to interact with the OpenAI GPT-3.5 model, commonly known as ChatGPT, via a command-line interface. This tool leverages the power of GPT-3.5 to generate responses based on the input provided.
Getting Started
Follow these steps to set up and use chatGPTpipe:
Clone the repository:
$ echo ! > i
$ jobs
[1]-  Done                    python -u main.py < i
[2]+  Broken pipe             tail -f /dev/null > i