SCA (JPL Statechart Autocoder Rev. 2)
The Statechart Autocoder (SCA) was developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA. SCA is a tool that takes UML Statecharts (essentially Harel Statecharts) as input, in the form of XMI, and generates state machine code implementations in a variety of languages. The tool is designed to receive UML statecharts created in the MagicDraw CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) tool developed and sold by No Magic Inc. MagicDraw is a commercially available CASE tool and not open source, however, a trial version can be downloaded from MagicDraw® Demo. Note the current release of SCA only supports XMI produced by MagicDraw up to version 17.0.5.
SCA can generate C, C++, and Python implementations of state machines. In addition SCA can also generate Promela for verification of designs. The Promela is still very experimental. The C and C++ state machines use the multi-threaded state machine framework called Quantum Framework and developed by Miro Samek. We distribute older versions of the Quantum Framework, which are known to work with the C and C++ code we generate, but the official source code and license information is from ( Our Python Framework was developed at JPL is our own implementation of Samek's Quantum Framework in native Python with some GUI hooks added which will be explained later.
Getting Started
To Be Completed.
Directory Structure
To Be Completed.
To Be Completed.
To Be Completed.