
Chotha is a desktop program to store research notes and citations.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Chotha is a desktop program to store research notes and citations Copyright (C) 2011 Kaushik Ghose

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


Chotha is a python program that uses the bottlepy framework. It runs a simple webserver locally on your computer, allowing you to view, create and edit notes and citations using your webbrowser. All data is stored locally.


  1. Quickly type in a note (research idea, meeting notes) and file it using keywords
  2. Grab a citation info for a paper from pubmed you are reading and type in notes about it
  3. Manually enter citation info for a book that you are reading and/or will be referencing in a paper
  4. Search for a paper/note by keyword intersection and text search on multiple

UI Design

  1. Two "panel" paged design
  2. Left has a search box and a keyword list, arranged vertically
  3. Right contains the results of the search paged. Full text of the items is displayed (which inclines us to making shorter notes)
  4. Clicking on 'edit' takes us to an edit page for that item.
  5. Saving an item takes us to the conjunction page - search page with the same keyword conjunction as that item
  6. Clicking new note or new sourc on a search page (i.e. other than the opening page) will populate the keywords with the current conjunction
  7. Creating a new note/source will present it on a search page having the same conjunction of keywords as it has

Setting up as a service on Mac OS X

Create a directory Chotha under /Library/StartupItems/

Create two files under /Library/StartupItems/Chotha/ named Chotha and StartupParameters.plist

File Chotha


# Chotha service startup script

. /etc/rc.common

StartService ()
    ConsoleMessage "Starting Chotha"
    cd /Users/kghose/Source/Chotha/
    /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python chotha.py &
    echo $! > chotha.pid

StopService ()
    cd /Users/kghose/Source/Chotha/
    if pid=`cat chotha.pid`; then
    ConsoleMessage "Stopping Chotha"
    kill -TERM "${pid}"
    rm chotha.pid
    ConsoleMessage "Chotha not running"

RestartService ()
    ConsoleMessage "Restarting Chotha"

RunService "$1"

File StartupParameters.plist

 Description = "Chotha server";
 Provides    = ("Chotha");
 Uses        = ("python");
 OrderPreference = "Last";
 Messages =
  start = "Starting Chotha server";
  stop = "Stopping Chotha server";
  restart = "Restarting Chotha server";

From terminal type

sudo SystemStarter restart Chotha


Chotha is a rewrite of RRiki using Python and Bottle. RRiki was a Ruby-On-Rails application that evolved out of R-A which itself was based on a Handspring database application.

Some notes on design choices

  • For config page, did not use html file widget

    • only returns base filename, really meant for uploading file contents
    • user might want to use only file name or full path depending on whether he is placing the db file relative to the program or not
  • Quantity limits instead of date limits

    • the display slowdown depends on the # of entries, not date range
    • if we do a search, and there are no results in the date range set up it can get annoying and misleading to then click through different date ranges to find if there are any hits at all
  • html (from markdown) is not cached (currently) - want to keep code and db as simple as possible. Also, don't want to bloat db size.

Changes from RRiki database structure

  • Diary subapp has been dropped and moved into a new app
  • Hierarchical keywords discarded for a keyword intersection model
  • After some debate I changed the structure such that every thing is a note. A citation is basically a note (our notes about the paper) with a source object attached to it. The source object has a one-one relationship with Rriki's source table except that the 'body' (notes) is not present. Each note has a source_id pointer, that is NULL for most notes, except those that are citations The title of the note is not editable by us and is a short citation form that is generated when the source attributes are modified (using a trigger)

Conversion of RRiki database to Chotha:

  • Create a new chotha database
  • Copy over all the notes as is, dropping the created_at and updated_at columns
  • Copy over all the sources as is, dropping the created_at, updated_at and url columns
  • For each source, create a new note and fill in the source_id appropriately, set the note date as the source created_at date and the note title as the paper title + citekey => note and source ids remain the same, but now we have a bunch of extra notes at the end
  • For each note, grab the keywords
    • For each keyword, use the path to separate out the keywords into components words.
    • Keywords with commas - each part is a separate keyword.
    • Associate each keyword with note
  • For each source, grab the keywords
    • For each keyword, use the path to separate out the keywords into components words.
    • Keywords with commas - each part is a separate keyword.
    • Find the note that goes with the source (source ids are conserved) and associate the keywords with that note

keywords handling in Chotha:

The keywords_notes and keywords_sources are defined as:

create table "a" ("x" integer, "y" integer, primary key (x,y));

such that we can now use:

insert or replace into a (x,y) values (1,2);

and not have annoying duplicate entries in the table


  • Use the word "cite" instead of "source" to save typing?

  • (done) Add a word cloud page that will display words in the db (especially low frequency ones) that will allow me to dive into notes and find little odds and ends I have squirreled away. Needs a new table that will store words and their frequency (number of notes the occur in)). To avoid too extreme a computation, we will update this table for each note save, adding new words and incrementing/decrementing the count on existing words.

  • (done) when we add a note and we are returned to the list view, we should be returned to a list view with the keyword combination used.

  • work out proper candidate keywords for search terms too

  • (done) Change paging system to a date from latest hit + some time frame + offset This will require two fetches, one for id and date, another for fetching the complete subset of entries based on date then using the date, time frame and offset to select from the subset of entries. The second fetch will not require reuse of the query and so will not tax the db so much. Needs a rewrite of fetch_notes_by_criterion

  • (done - differently) add an export page that will export to different formats (currently just exports to word)

  • (done) Break up index.tpl into sub templates - pass data using dicts

  • (not doing) Add a 'window' parameter to date selector, and have fwd,bkwd buttons?

  • (done) Restrict returned notes by date (have two columns, start and end date)

  • About should show some db stats and db location etc.

  • (done) Desktop feature, that allows us to store a keyword conjunction that opens when we go 'home'. Store it in config. Basically a way to collect all our current notes together as we work on it.

  • Add table + directory to store svg sketches that can be inserted into notes

  • Integrate svg-edit with the app so we can create SVGs on the fly.

  • (done - apsw apparently has this activated) Enable FTS in sqlite install

  • Modify db to use FTS

  • (done in a way) Search (notes and papers) just retrieves basic information, clicking on items pulls up full info (could speed things up for large notes + papers)

  • Use snippets for text search

  • (done) No more fancy AJAX crap - make it stateless, so I can open and edit in new tabs and use the browser backbutton : worked well in pylog. (done)

  • (done) Implement keyword conjunction UI -> need to be able to generate url links properly (urllib.encode)

  • (done) Rewrite for new database format

  • (done) Test new database format using dummy database

  • (done) Convert rriki db to chotha format

  • (done) Implement sensible paging, based on date/year for eg

  • (done) make the jumping between note and citation data cleaner

  • (done) On sources edit page make a "refetch" button where you can put a query in and refetch the citation data

Some useful SQL queries:

select keywords.name from notes inner join keywords_notes on keywords_notes.note_id = notes.id inner join keywords on keywords_notes.keyword_id = keywords.id where notes.id = 667;

select keywords.name from notes inner join keywords_notes on keywords_notes.note_id = notes.id inner join keywords on keywords_notes.keyword_id = keywords.id where notes.id = 667 limit 10;

select notes.id, group_concat(keywords.name) from notes inner join keywords_notes on keywords_notes.note_id = notes.id inner join keywords on keywords_notes.keyword_id = keywords.id where notes.id in (564,667) group by notes.id;

UPDATE notes SET notes.key_list=kwd WHERE notes.id=nid (SELECT notes.id AS nid, group_concat(keywords.name) AS kwd FROM notes,keywords,keywords_notes WHERE keywords_notes.keyword_id = keywords.id AND keywords_notes.note_id = notes.id GROUP BY notes.id LIMIT 10)