YAML Format
time_horizon: # MPC horizon
dt: # time steps
state: [x y] # list of state variables
input: [u] # list of input variables
env: [w] # list of environment variables
bounds: # list of key-values, variable: (lower_bound, upper_bound)
x: (0, 2) # example for variable x
- stl: x = 0
- stl: y = 1
- name: FooBar # optional name for the constraint
stl: "F[0,2](x > 5)"
pri: 1 # optional priority metadata for diagnosis
dyn: # Dynamics, given in slight extension of stl.
# Adding primes to variable means previous state.
# For example: x' is x[t - dt]
- stl: G[0, 4](-1*u' + dt*1*x' + 5*u = 0)
- stl: G[0, 4](-1*u' + dt*1*y' + u = 0)
See examples/feasible_example.yaml
Non-Adversarial one off game
import magnum
from magnum.solvers import milp
# Load game scenario
g = magnum.from_yaml("examples/feasible_example.yaml")
# We're going to use the MILP solver so need to discretize
g = magnum.discretize_game(g)
# Pass to MILP oracle and print solution
Non-Adversarial MPC Usage example
import magnum
# Load game scenario
g = magnum.from_yaml("examples/feasible_example.yaml")
# Create generator receding horizon mpc
controller = magnum.mpc(g)
print(next(controller)[0]) # prints state
print(next(controller)) # prints state, spec
print(controller.send(measurements)) # send measurements and print state, spec
Adversarial MPC Usage example
import magnum from magnum.solvers.cegis import cegis
g = magnum.from_yaml("examples/feasible_example.yaml") g = magnum.discretize_game(g) print(cegis(g))