
A serialization class for sending data from Swift to MATLAB

Primary LanguageSwift


A serialization class for sending data from Swift to MATLAB. MatlabSerialization is based on, is compatible with, and requires Christian Kothe’s Fast serialize / deserialize class

MatlabSerialization transforms Swift Foundation objects into a byte array for rapid data transfer into MATLAB via a tcp/ip socket. CoreML data type MLMultiArray is used to store matices. IMPORTANT: Swift is row-major while MATLAB is column-major so matrices will be transposed when imported.

Basic translations:

  • MLMultiArray -> Matrix
  • Dictionary<String:Any> -> 1x1 Struct
  • MatlabEncodableArray protocol -> 1xN Struct
  • Array<Any> -> 1xN Cell Array


Only 2D cell/struct arrays (no limitation for matrics) No complex numbers

Functionality will be added according to interest. Email suggestions to slmille4 at gmail dot com or submit a merge request.

Basic usage:

        let dict:[String:Any] = ["A":["a":[1.0,2.0,3.0],"b":["a","b","c"]],"B":["a":1.0,"b":2.0,"c":3.0]]
        let m = try!MatlabSerialization.data(withMatlabObject: dict)

        let task = URLSession.shared.streamTask(withHostName: "", port: 54000)
        task.write(m, timeout:10.0) { error in
            if error != nil {

Run MatlabSerialization.m in MATLAB to create the tcpip server which will receive the data. Requires the Instrument Control Toolbox.