
Converting A Deep Space Image Into Song Using Matlab

Primary LanguageMATLABGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


  • In this repository, I converted a Hubble deep space image into space sound. I examined the image as columns. Starting from the first column I examined each pixel whether it is black or not. I divided 900 pixels in the column into 10 parts. Starting from the bottom of the picture, index parts are in decreasing order from 10 to 1. If a non-black pixel exists in any part, I created an amplitude in the nth pixel frequency with index of the part amplitude. By applying these rules, I had different amplitudes from 0 to 900 Hz. After I created 1024 spectra that have different amplitudes from 0-900 Hz, I converted each of them into time domain. Duration of each spectrum is 1 second. I concatenated each one-second wav files one after another and I created a "deep_space_song.wav" that has length of 1024 seconds. I named that script as "SonifiedDeepSpace.m"

  • I will explain the code part by part.First, I clean the workspace. And then , I read "Hubble-Massive-Panorama.png" by using imread() function. And, I assigned it to the "rgb_image" variable.Then, I converted rgb_image to the grayscale by using "rgb2gray()" function. And, I assigned it to the "grayscaled_image" variable.

  • After that, I converted grayscaled_image to the binary image by using "im2bw()" function. And, I assigned it to the "binarizied_image" variable. I do that because now our array includes only ones and zeros in it. Ones mean there is a nonblack pixel and zeros mean there is a black pixel in that pixel.

  • Then, I looped over the image. To detect the values, I created a dummy array "pixel_detection" and I controlled every pixel if they have any nonblack thing or not. If they have, then it would give into the if statement and I calculate the amplitude and value of that piksel. And, I first convert the result to the time domain with using "ifft". After that, I calculated the magnitude of it. I used "abs" and added all calculations into the "pixel_spectra" array. Finally, I created the audio file using pixel_spectra. And I gave "deep_space_song.wav" name to the sound.