
I implemented a parallel algorithm for denoising the noised image within the Ising model using Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.


First, you should install "openmpi" and have "gcc compiler" in your machine.

Secondly, you should arrange the path according to

- export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/openmpi/bin 


Then, to run this program, an example command is given

  • mpicc -g imagedenoise.c -o imagedenoise
  • mpiexec -n 11 ./imagedenoise input.txt output.txt 0.4 0.15

Hint: (mpiexec -n [NUM_OF_PROCESSOR + 1] ./imagedenoise input output beta pi)


NOTE1: The program can execute with any given processor number. (But, I recommend you to choose 10 (actually 10+1=11) processors due to the trade-off between message passing and iteration count) Eventually, you can choose any number of processors that you wish.

NOTE2: I added two printf statements into code to show that the code is continuing the calculation. Example console output:

	- mpicc -g imagedenoise.c -o imagedenoise
	- mpiexec -n 11 ./imagedenoise input.txt output.txt 0.4 0.15
	-  ---tasks are sended to slaves---
	-  // after about 30 sec or 50 sec (in virtual machine).
	-  ---the noisy image is denoised---
	-  // denoised image is created in the same directory with the given output name
	-  // and the program is ended

NOTE3: There is an example input file named "lena200_noisy.txt" which is represented in the Ising Model. And also there are python scripts in order to convert image to txt or vice versa.