
Intro Rails reading: Getting Started and Active Record Basics

Intro Rails Reading

Objective: Rails has excellent learning resources available online. Today, you'll look at your first of many Rails Guides:

Get in the habit of exploring Rails Guides as you approach new topics in Rails!

Getting Started

  1. Fork this repo, and clone it into your develop folder on your local machine. Create a new file called answers.md.

  2. In a different directory (outside intro-rails-reading), read and complete the Getting Started tutorial steps through section 5.7 (Showing Articles). Don't worry if you don't quite understand everything you're doing yet.

  3. Also, read chapters 1, 2, and 5 of the Active Record Basics guide. You don't need to incorporate these into your Getting Started project; just look over the syntax.

  4. As you work through the guides, answer the following questions in your answers.md file (in your intro-rails-reading directory). Each answer should be 8 words or less!


  1. What is a strength of Rails (or something you like about Rails)?

  2. What is the name of the server Rails comes with, and what is the name of the database it comes with?

  3. What is a "resource"?

  4. What is a "controller"? How is it different from a "route"?

  5. In Express, server.js contained our routes. Where was controller logic defined in our Express projects?

  6. Look at app/views/layouts/application.html.erb. What does this file remind you of, and what does it contain?

  7. The app/controllers/articles_controller.rb file looks like this:

    class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
     	def new
    	def create
    	  @article = Article.new(article_params)
    	  redirect_to @article
    	def show
    	  @article = Article.find(params[:id])
    	  def article_params
    	    params.require(:article).permit(:title, :text)
  • What does the first line ArticlesController < ApplicationController mean?
  • How does the new method know which view to display?
  • Why does @article have that @?
  1. What is Active Record? What was the equivalent tool we used with Express?

  2. What is a "migration"?

  3. List at least one question you have about Rails (can go over 8 words if needed).


  • As you make code changes, frequently commit and push to GitHub.
  • Once you've finished the assignment and pushed your work to GitHub, make a pull request from your fork to the original repo.