
Team Roster for SWE 6733 Team Cats (Team #2)

Steve Herchenroder: Scrum Master
Sloan Lipman: Developer
Moffett McKenna: Product Owner
Andrew Neary: Developer
David Santos: Developer
Emad Vaid: Developer

Project URLs Proto Demo Site: http://tehcodez.win/ \

Product Backlog: https://trello.com/b/Mn5Ftara/6733team2project
Slack Channel: https://swe6733.slack.com/
Github repository: https://github.com/sloanlipman/ksu-swe-6733-gaming-matchmaker
Recordings: https://kennesawedu-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/personal/sherchen_students_kennesaw_edu/Documents/6733Team2CATS?csf=1&e=ZkthNI
NOTE: Trello backup is in the OneDrive folder due to issues loading in GITHub \

Product Vision

Short-term: we are building a web application that takes user inputs to facilitate the gaming matchmaking process by matching gamers of equal skill, style, and interests. 
Long-term: we will be working with game developers to get information from game API to integrate into this system.  
Stakeholders: Clients (users) and CAT Team Developers for the short term and Game Development Studios and other Game Developers in the long-term vision.

Product Backlog Prioritization

User Stories (Product Backlog) are prioritized from the top down, with our initial focus on user stories that we believe must be completed before we can even progress forward. These stories are related to developing the initial infrastructure of the project, initializing the database, and creating our vision for the user interface. Other user stories will be built around these key areas by identifying which stories are dependent on others to be completed. These dependencies will be further discussed at Sprint Planning Meetings and will contain the dependency in a custom field called Predecessors.

Definition of ready

A product backlog item will be ready to be accepted as a user story when it contains the following:

  1. Unique number
  2. Title
  3. User story description
  4. Story points
  5. Additional Details/Tasks (as they apply)
  6. Acceptance Criteria