
Primary LanguagePython

Finisher is a lightweight autocompletion library for Python. It can be used in situations where you do not want to add additional dependencies such as SOLR or Cloudsearch to provide autocompletion functionality.


pip install finisher

Up Front Example

import json

from finisher import DictStorageAutoCompleter

# This can be anything
with open("movie_titles.json", "rb") as f:
    movie_titles_json = f.read()
    movie_titles = json.loads(movie_titles_json)

arbitrary_cache = {}
autocompleter = DictStorageAutoCompleter(arbitrary_cache)
corrected_tokens = autocompleter.correct_phrase("big lebewski")
guessed_phrases = autocompleter.guess_full_strings(corrected_tokens)
    Results are:
            "big lebowski (usa)",
            "big, bigger, and biggest trucks and diggers (book w/ dvd)",
            "build it bigger: biggest warship",
            "big foot (a.k.a. bigfoot)",
            "bigger than big (sumo mack)",
            "bigger than big (activate)",
            "big 3",
            "biggest fan",
            "big lebowski (universal/ widescreen)",
            "build it bigger: big easy rebuild"

Practical Example

The above example uses a dictionary to cache data since recomputing mappings will clearly be expensive. This works in a single process or on a web server running a single worker, but in practical terms you will need something like Redis to allow for storage between processes. Redis example is below:

from finisher import RedisStorageAutoCompleter
import redis

redis_client = redis.from_url("http://localhost:6379")
autocompleter = RedisStorageAutoCompleter(redis_client)
corrected_tokens = autocompleter.correct_phrase("big lebewski")
guessed_phrases = autocompleter.guess_full_strings(corrected_tokens)

Training a model

A model can be updated incrementally:

arbitrary_cache = {}

autocompleter = DictStorageAutoCompleter(arbitrary_cache)

autocompleter = DictStorageAutoCompleter(arbitrary_cache)

And if we need to re-train the model you could either:


or just change the variable used for caching.


It should be noted that spellcheck is supported as well. Consistent with the above example:

autocompleter = RedisStorageAutoCompleter(redis_client)
corrected_tokens = autocompleter.correct_phrase(
    "my fvaorite moive is expandables bcause schwarzanagger is cool"