Unifi Controller, Radius, Daloradius, Mariadb and Traefik


This is a work in progress. End result will be a Docker stack containing Unifi Controller, Radius, Daloradius and Mariadb.

Both Unifi Controller and Radius will be behind a Traefik reverse proxy with Let's Encrypt SSL certificates.

Radius will allow Unifi Captive Portal and WPA Enterprise logins.

Unifi controller and Daloradius will each need a dedicated URL such as unifi.example.com and radius.example.com.

mkdir -p $HOME/docker/
cd $HOME/docker/
git clone https://github.com/slochewie/unifi-radius.git
cd $HOME/docker/unifi-radius

Letsencrypt Configuration option

-Traefik revese proxy with autogenerated Let's Encrypt SSL certs.

  • Use for secure Internet facing sites.

Copy env.sample to .env and populate all fields in the COMMON and LETSENCRYPT sections.

Create a link in order to append docker-compose.letsencrypt.yml to future docker-compose commands.

ln -sf docker-compose.letsencrypt.yml docker-compose.override.yml

Review the merged configs by running:

docker-compose config

Pull the images:

docker-compose pull

Configure and start containers:

docker-compose up -d


Aaron Wilson https://niteowl.dev


MIT License