
Catalog of made with Manubot manuscripts

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Manubot Catalog

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Manubot is a workflow and set of tools for the next generation of scholarly publishing. Learn more at https://manubot.org/.

This repository stores a catalog of mansucripts that were made using Manubot. These manuscripts are displayed at https://manubot.org/catalog/. The catalog.json file produced by this codebase is available at https://manubot.github.io/catalog/catalog.json.


We encourage anyone to add mansucripts to the catalog. In-progress manuscripts are acceptable. Basically, any manuscript that has a substantial amount of content that is not part of Rootstock is of interest.

To add a manuscript to the catalog, add a record in catalog.yml. catalog.yml is a YAML formatted file. An example manuscript with documentation comments is below:

- repo_url: https://github.com/greenelab/deep-review  # URL to GitHub repository with Manuscript source code
  html_url: https://greenelab.github.io/deep-review/  # URL for Manubot HTML output (usually hosted by GitHub Pages)
  thumbnail_url: https://url_for_image.png  # optional: square screenshot (showing part of html_url) used as manuscript thumbnail image.
  preprint_citation: doi:10.1101/142760  # optional: Manubot-style citation for a preprint corresponding to the manuscript
  journal_citation: doi:10.1098/rsif.2017.0387  # optional: Manubot-style citation for a published article corresponding to the manuscript

For more information on how to create citations for preprint_citation and journal_citation, see Manubot's citation-by-identifier documentation here. Note that in the future, we plan to scan the source repository for a thumbnail image, such that thumbnail_url may be a temporary field.