
MERN stack website for an overview over different kinds of oil palm weed (in Indonesian)

Primary LanguageHTML

Invasive Plants

Web app for an overview over different kinds of weeds or invasive plants under the oil palm plantation ecosystem in Indonesia, accessible under https://sloebrich.github.io/invasiveplants

Screenshot 2024-02-09 155926

Screenshot 2024-02-09 160022

Technial information:

  • The website is build with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js)
  • Plant data is stored on MongoDB and the image files are hosted on Dropbox API.
  • A Node.js API is deployed on Render to retrieve the data and perform admin CRUD operations.
    Note: Due to Render free tier, it can take a few seconds on first load.
  • The React frontend is hosted on GitHub pages.