
A simple, fast C++ API for parsing and creating JSON.

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A simple, fast C++ API for parsing and creating JSON.

What is the license of JSONAPI?

JSONAPI is dual licensed under a BSD 3 license and GPLv2 license. Generally, this means you can do with it what you please. Choose the license which works best for you.

What is JSONAPI?

JSONAPI is a simple, fast C++ JSON parser and encoder that supports UTF-8. It consists of a shared lib (libjsonapi), a test program (jsonapitest), and headers.

It parses using a parser generated from a grammar via yacc/bison. It creates an in-memory representation of the JSON, this representation is custom and exposed through a custom API.

You can also generate JSON by instantiating objects and constructing an in-memory repesentation, and then calling ToJSON(). The construction of the in-memory representation is simple and hopefully intuitive to use.

How fast is JSONAPI?

It parses JSON pretty fast. This is most likely due to my use of yacc and lex. Could I write a faster parser? Perhaps.

It encodes a bit more slowly, but probably due to string copies and I'm working on it :-). Still, even encode is not in last place among those benchmarked at https://github.com/lijoantony/JsonBenchmarkCpp

In an Ubuntu virtual machine running on a MacBook Pro:

$ ./JsonBenchmarkCpp 
#library                 parsing                  writing                  
jsonapi                  262                      666                        
cajun                    1738                     280                      
json_spirit              10784                    998                      
libjson                  331                      285                      
json_parser              90                       

JsonBenchmarkCpp does not benchmark json_parser encoding for whatever reason.

What does JSONAPI depend on?

JSONAPI itself depends on nothing at runtime except the C++ standard library.

While I chose to distribute the code with a build system based on autotools, the code itself is not dependent on any given platform. JSONAPI was developed with GNU C++ compiler version 4.6.3, but it should be portable to earlier and later versions of gcc, and to other compilers like Microsoft's Visual C++.

The most complicated C++ construct I used in the code besides classes are std::list and std::string. I built my own custom DOM that should represent JSON object structures about as efficiently as one can in terms of speed, and implemented what I hope is a sane API on top of it.

The lexer and parser require you to build the library on a system that has GNU bison and flex installed. I used versions bison 2.5, and flex 2.5.35. I would expect later versions to work as well.

The test harness is based on cppunit, so that is a requirement as well.

If you spin up an instance of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS as a VM, flex, bison, and cppunit packages as well as the compiler will match mine.

Why did you write JSONAPI?

I was working on an arduino-based robot that communicates back to a Linux system. I wanted to use JSON to encode messages between the two. I looked at some existing C++ JSON parsers and decided I wanted to write my own.

How do I build JSONAPI?

  • Install flex, bison, and cppunit on your system, if not already there.
  • ./configure
  • make; sudo make install

On Ubuntu systems, this results in the jsonapi library being installed in /usr/local/lib/jsonapi, the headers installed in /usr/local/include/jsonapi, and the test application installed as /usr/local/bin/jsonapitest

Where can I find examples of JSONAPI?

Test-driven development was used in the making of JSONAPI. The header file test/jsonapitest.h has plenty of simple examples of JSON encode and decode. All of these tests should pass, so they can be relied on as examples.

What does a parser hello world program look like?

The following program takes a command line argument as JSON, parses it and displays the type of the root element parsed.

 #include "jsonapi.h"

 usage(char *name)
    fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s \n", name);

 main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (argc != 2) {

    std::string input(argv[1]);
    JsonParse *parser = new JsonParse();

    if (parser->Parse() == true) {
        JSONValue *val = JSONAPI::GetValue(parser);

        switch(val->GetType()) {
        case JsonType_Object:
            printf("type is JsonType_Object\n");
        case JsonType_Array:
            printf("type is JsonType_Array\n");
        case JsonType_String:
            printf("type is JsonType_String\n");
        case JsonType_Number:
            printf("type is JsonType_Number\n");
        case JsonType_Double:
            printf("type is JsonType_Double\n");
        case JsonType_Bool:
            printf("type is JsonType_Bool\n");
        case JsonType_Tuple:
            printf("type is JsonType_Tuple\n");
        case JsonType_Null:
            printf("type is JsonType_Null\n");
            printf("type is unknown\n");

        delete val;
    delete parser;

Compile as in the following example:

 $ g++ -o testit testit.cpp -I/usr/local/include/jsonapi \
        -L/usr/local/lib/jsonapi -ljsonapi

Run it as in the following example:

 $ ./testit "\"hello world\""
 type is JsonType_String
 $ ./testit 1.3
 type is JsonType_Double
 $ ./testit "{\"foo\": 17}"
 type is JsonType_Object
 $ ./testit "[1, \"fred\", 2, 19.4]" 
 type is JsonType_Array

How do I decode JSON using JSONAPI?

Generally, to decode, you create an instance of JsonParse, give it a string containing the JSON to parse, call the Parse() method, and then inspect the results.

Here is a example that illustrates parsing a JSON array which contains two integers:

        std::string str("[17, 18]");

        // allocate the parser

        JsonParse *parser = new JsonParse();

        // set the input


        // parse the string. if there is a failure, false will be returned.

        if (parser->Parse() == true) {

            // get the value of the parse, and then determine the type of
            // object parsed.

            JSONValue *val = JSONAPI::GetValue(parser);
            JSONType type = val->GetType();

            // based on the type of object returned, cast to a derived
            // class, and then use the methods provided by JSONArray to 
            // further inspect the results.

            switch (type) {
                case JsonType_Array:
                    // convert the value to an array

                    JSONArray *array = static_cast(val);

                    // get the first element of the array

                    val = array->Get(0);

                    type = val->GetType();

                    if (type == JsonType_Number) {

                        // convert the value object to a JSONNumber object
                        // and then retrieve the actual value

                        int num = static_cast(val)->Get();

                        // the following should print "number is 17"

                        printf("number is %d\n", num);

How do I encode JSON using JSONAPI?

Generally, to encode, you create a data structure that reflects the content of your JSON, and you then call a function to encode it. The encoding function returns a string that is JSON format.

Here is an example of how you might create a two element array of integers:

        // instantiate an array object, and two number objects.

        JSONArray *array = new JSONArray();
        JSONNumber *num1 = new JSONNumber(17);
        JSONNumber *num2 = new JSONNumber(18);

        // append the numbers to the array


        // encode the array as JSON

        std::string str;
        str = array->ToJSON(str);
        assert(str == "[17,18]");

Does JSONAPI support Unicode?

Technically, JSONAPI supports UTF-8, which is the most common instance of "Unicode". It can parse strings that contain UTF-8 as a literal in the form \uabcd (this is 4 C characters '\', 'u', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'). JSONAPI can also generate JSON UTF-8 from 2 and 3 byte UTF-8 encodings in strings.

For example, you can parse a string containing the text "\u0024" and convert it to UTF-8 as follows:

        std::string str = "\"\\u0024\"";

        // set the parser's input string


        // parse and look at the result.

        if (parser->Parse() == true) {
            JSONString *obj = 

            // get the literal value of the string. This is not
            // UTF-8, and will be the same value as passed to the
            // parser. Note the escaped '\', i.e., "\\u0024"

            std::string value = obj->Get();
            assert(value == "\"\\u0024\"");

            // Get the UTF-8 byte stream. This will be a null terminated
            // C string that is UTF-8 encoded (as 1, 2, or 3 bytes).
            // Note the missing escape, i.e., "\u0024". In this example
            // the encoding is 1 byte in length.

            char *ret = obj->GetAsUTF8();
            assert(value == "\"$\"");
            assert(value == "\"\u0024\"");

See the function ParseTest::testCreateUTF8() in jsonapitest.h for examples of creating JSON from strings that encode 2 and 3 byte UTF-8.