Julia implementation of Information Theoretic Co-Clustering (ITCC)

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#ITCC: Information Theoretic Co-Clustering
Scott Longwell
Alex Williams

Implements a 2-dimensional verision of ITCC as described by Dhillon, et al:
I.S. Dhillon, S. Mallela, and D.S. Modha, "Information-Theoretical Coclustering, Proc. Ninth ACM SIGKDD Int'l Conf. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD '03), 2003.

For an example application and N-dimensional Python implementation, see Percha & Altman:
B. Percha, R.B. Altman, "Learning the Structure of Biomedical Relationships from Unstructured Text," PLoS Comp. Bio., 2015.

Uses the Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KL-D) implemented in the Distances package.

itcc(p, k, l, n_iters, convergeThresh, cX, cY)

p: A joint probability matrix
k: Number of row-clusters
l: Number of column-clusters
n_iters: Maximum number of iterations
convergeThresh: Threshold at which algroithm has is said to have converged, i.e. KL-D between p and q has not decreased significantly between iterations
cX: Initial row-cluster assignments (optional; default to random assignments)
cY: Initial column-cluster assignments (optional; default to random assignments)

An instance of the ITCC_Result type, which has the following attributes:

cX: Final row-cluster assignments
cY: Final column-cluster assignmnents
q: Final q
p_clust: View of p given final cX and cY
kl: Final Kullback-Leibler divergence between p and q
converged: Boolean indicating if the algorithm converged
num_iters: Number of iterations peformed by the algorithm


  1. Sparse matrix to handle larger inputs
  2. N-dimensionalize
  3. Jitter to break ties