
Nginx Configuration template for all. This is my nginx conf that I tried to compile for use with any kind of site. Can be improved. It is configured to run with php-fpm, pagespeed and else.

Primary LanguageNginx


General purpose Nginx Configuration Template

Nginx Template

Here lies my personal Nginx template for a mixed setup. I'm trying to make this nginx configured for general use; whether it's wordpress or static html or whatever. My aim is to enable caching, SEO friendly URL's, Cloudflare support, adding h5bp, ngx_pagespeed optimizations etc. Thus trying to create a copy/paste style nginx template.

It also uses https://github.com/h5bp/server-configs-nginx and a compilation of many tweaks.


Nginx 1.6 and above. nginx-extras or your own compilation with the following:

  • ngx_pagespeed (comes with nginx extras)
  • ngx_http_gunzip

What to do?

  • Edit pagespeed settings: Edit pagespeed to add/remove filters.

  • Add your domains to pagespeed.conf

  • Create cache and log folders

  • Change ownership of the folders. You can run the below bash script to create and chmod all these folders.

for dir in /var/cache/nginx/  /var/cache/nginx/client /var/cache/nginx/scgi /var/cache/nginx/uwsgi /var/cache/nginx/fastcgi /var/cache/nginx/proxy /var/ngx_pagespeed_cache /var/log/nginx /var/log/pagespeed /var/ngx_pagespeed_cache /var/log/pagespeed
if [ ! -d $dir ]; then
	mkdir -p $dir
	chown -R  www-data:www-data $dir
	chown -R  www-data:www-data $dir

Known Issues