
React Native Module / FFMPEG binary commandline / Android

Primary LanguageJava

React Native Module / FFMPEG binary commandline / Android

Uses binary from android/src/main/res/raw/ffmpeg running from shell with supplied command from JS.

Requires absolute paths to input / output file and permissions to write to output destination.


import {NativeModules} from 'react-native';

const {FFMPEGCommandline} = NativeModules;

// ... inputPath, outputPath

    .runCommand ([
        '-ss', '1', // trim start [1 sec]
        '-t', '10', // trim length [10 sec]
        '-i', inputPath,
        '-movflags', '+faststart',
        '-preset', 'ultrafast',
        '-strict', '-2',
        '-filter:v', 'crop=640:720:270:0,scale=360:360',
        '-crf', '26',
        '-c:a', 'copy',
        .then ((result) => {
            console.log ('result', result);
        .catch ((err) => {
            console.error ('error', err);


FILES_DIR_PATH - application files absolute path

CACHE_DIR_PATH - application cache absolute path

Module can write to both folders without additional permissions


ffmpeg:init - result of binary ffmpeg installation / exists check

ffmpeg:message - shell output from ffmpeg binary

import {DeviceEventEmitter} from 'react-native';

    .addListener ('ffmpeg:message', (message) => {
        console.log ('ffmpeg message', message)

ffmpeg binaries

NOTE: automatic switch between arm7/x86 is not implemented (also supplying both arm7/x86 will double the the package size, ~14.7MB arm7 + ~16.9MB x86)

/bin folder contains example arm7/x86 ffmpeg binaries, but actual one used by the module is located here (default is arm7). replace this file with ffmpeg_x86 if you need x86 support.