The To-Do List App (command line interface)

In this project we'll be building a command line program that lets the user maintain and edit a list of to-do items!


  • You must make at least three commits in git while working on this project (make a commit everytime you get a new thing working)
  • The user is able to add new to-do items
  • A list of to-do items is displayed to the user
    • The number of to-do items is displayed to the user
    • If the user has no to-do items, this should be indicated to the user
  • The user is able to set existing to-do items as complete
  • Tell the user if they entered an invalid action

An Example

Below is an example of what your application might look like. You're welcome to take creativity liberties with the exact user interface!

Welcome to the To-Do List Manager Application! 


Your to-do list is empty.

~ Select an action ~
[1] Create a to-do item
[2] Complete a to-do item
> 1

~ Creating a new to-do item ~
What is this to-do item called?
> Go to the dentist


You have 1 to-do item(s).
1. [incomplete] Go to the dentist

~ Select an action ~
[1] Create a to-do item
[2] Complete a to-do item
> 1

~ Creating a new to-do item ~
What is this to-do item called?
> Buy groceries


You have 2 to-do item(s).
1. [incomplete] Go to the dentist
2. [incomplete] Buy groceries

~ Select an action ~
[1] Create a to-do item
[2] Complete a to-do item
> 2

~ Completing a to-do item ~
Which to-do item would you like to complete?
> 2


You have 2 to-do item(s).
1. [incomplete] Go to the dentist
2. [complete]   Buy groceries

~ Select an action ~
[1] Create a to-do item
[2] Complete a to-do item

How do I build this?

Start off by trying this without any hints. If you find yourself stuck, check out the file.

Stretch Goals

  • Re-organize your code to make use of functions
  • Allow the user to both complete and uncomplete to-do items
  • Allow the user to fully delete a to-do item from the list
  • Allow the user to edit the text of an existing to-do item
  • Get creative! Add a new feature that you would find useful in a to-do list