A super cool image downloader.
Puppy Adopter is an image-downloader and gallery manager software that aims at making it easy to have different and numerous galeries of images in our computers.
Puppy Adopter works by allowing you to create different environments or galeries to store your images at. You are to provide each environment's websites_list file, which they have by default, with the links of the websites you want this environment to download images from. To create or erase environments we use the environmentor.py file. To begin the downloading process, which will furnish your environments with images downloaded from their corresponding websites, we use the puppy_adopter.py file.
You can have as many environments as you want, and you can provide each environment with as many websites you like. The sky is the limit!
You can think of an environment as a galery. It's a place where to download images from a list of websites you provide. Each environment is independent from the others, and has its own list of websites. environmentor.py is the program that manages our environments. With it we can create or erase environments.
To create and furnish an environment, run envionmentor.py. You'll be prompted to erase one or all environments or create one. Choose to create one and name the files of your environment when requested to. Among the files you've named, there was a websites_list, which is a simple .txt file. One per line, paste in this file the links of the websites this environment will download images from.
Once your environment was created and you provided its websites_list with links, we can say that your environment is settled. Now you can just run puppy_adopter.py and watch as the magic happens!
environmentor offers us to erase a single environment. When an environment is erased, all its files, folders and data are erased permamently.
When we chose these option, a list of our environments will be displayed, each with an index number besides it. Then we are to enter the index number of the environment we wish to erase and that will be all. This action is permanent so be wise when using it.
When we run environmentor we can also choose to erase all of our environments. This resets the program to a new-born state: all files, folders and data are erased permanently. Use it carefully and wiselly.
If all your environments were provided with websites, it's time to furnish them! To do so, simple execute PuppyAdopter. It will automatically do the job for you. Once it's done, your environments should be furnished with images downloaded from the websites you provided to them into to your computer.
Always remember to add the websites in your websites_list file! Otherwise nothing will be downloaded.
Remember you can add as many websites as you like to your environments; the more websites, the more images!
If you manually erase an environment's folder or its elements, this doesn't prevent PuppyAdopter from considering this environment still exists. The reason is that this environment's data wasn't properly erased by the program. This will very likely produce errors. To properly erase an environment, use environmentor.py.
Don't provide your environment's websites_list with links of websites that request captcha or other types of controls, and neither of websites that display pop-ups when opened. PuppyAdopter does not know how to close pop-ups nor how to pass an AI control. Keep it simple!