My scripts for the game Screeps. The official API is located here.
- each room has a fancy overview GUI
- each room has a console which prints most info
- will follow their role until there is nothing else to do
- if they don't find work in their role, they'll take on an arbitrary other role
- display their role next to their circle (→
- will be respawned with as many parts as possible after their death
- can self-destruct (console command
spawnExplorer(<spawnId>, <flagName>)
An Explorer creeps will go through the following phases (it might skip one or more of them if they are no longer necessary):
Phase |
Description Mode |
gotoFlagRoom |
creep walks into the room the flag ist in |
claimFlagRoom |
creep walks to the controller and claims it |
createSpawn |
creep creates a new construction side for a base on the flag |
buildSpawn |
creep works as a Builder and constructs the spawn |
retire |
creep gives up its role because it is no longer necessary |
- the game will remember which tiles are heavily traveled by creeps
- this can be used to build roads, either automatically or manually
- to enable the view on the right, check the
memory of a room
- Mayor verifies that the base is in order and warns you
- optionally the mayor can fix some problems and help base building that way
Warning |
Auto Mode |
Description |
Builder is missing. |
Spawning Builder. |
If there is at least one construction site, the base needs at least one Builder to work correctly. |
Handyman is missing. |
Spawning Handyman. |
If there is at least one structure that needs repairing, the base needs a Handyman to work correctly. |
Harvester is missing. |
Spawning Harvester. |
The base needs at least one Harvester to work correctly. |
Roads are missing. |
I'm building roads. |
There are some well-traveled tiles without roads (set room.memory.roadManager.visualize to true to see which) |
Upgrader is missing. |
Spawning Upgrader. |
The base needs at least one Upgrader to work correctly. |
The RoomManager
is used to build automatically one building site after the other.
To configure what should be build, copy the memory of the rooms.<room>.roomManager.layout
into an editor and replace the regex (.{50})
with $1\n
(this will make 50 lines of 50 chars out of the string, instead of the default 50 x 50 char long string.
After changing the values, replace the line breaks with an empty string again.
The layout contains the following characters:
Character |
Description |
Can be build? |
plain |
false |
~ |
swamp |
false |
█ |
wall |
false |
Ø |
controller |
false |
© |
mineral |
false |
Ⓢ |
source |
false |
o |
extension |
false |
w |
buildable wall |
true |
r |
rampart |
true |
? |
unknown |
false |
Memory |
Description |
clearConsole() |
clears the lines of the JavaScript and in-game consoles |
fetchOldestCreep(<baseName>) |
fetches the oldest creep in the world (the one with the lowest ticksToLive ); fetches the oldest creep in the base if <baseName> was set |
generateLayoutForRoom(<roomName>) |
creates a editable room layout for the specific room name; overrides existing layouts |
makeLinkSource(<id>) |
makes a link with a specific ID an source |
makeLinkTarget(<id>) |
makes a link with a specific ID an target |
moveCreepTo(<creepName>, <gameObjectId>) |
the creep will go to the game objects and start working there |
selfdestruct(<creepName>) |
the creep will go to the next spawn and recycle itself |
spawnCreepForRoom(<roomName>, <roleName>) |
spawns a new creep in a room with a specific role |
spawnExplorer(<spawnId>, <flagName>) |
spawns a new explorer for a spawn ID and a flag name |
spawnMiner(<spawnId>, <sourceId>) |
spawns a new miner for a spawn ID and a source ID |
Documentation on which memory is used for which information. Mandatory elements are bold.
Memory |
Type |
Description |
base |
object |
used to configure the base that started in this room | |
string |
display name |
..outsourceSpawn |
boolean |
if true , another base will spawn creeps if this base has no free spawns |
..roleConfig |
object |
used to configure the creeps in this base |
....partsMinMultiplier |
number |
used to configure how many parts new creeps have at least |
....partsMaxMultiplier |
number |
used to configure how many parts new creeps have at most |
....showIcons |
boolean |
if true , shows icon on top of the creeps |
....useSourceAsSource |
boolean |
if true , creeps that collect energy from somewhere will use sources as a source (set to false if other creeps mine sources) |
....useStorageAsSource |
boolean |
if true , creeps that collect energy from somewhere will use storages as a source |
....<role> |
object |
used to configure a specific role in this base |
......requiredNumber |
number |
the required number of creeps for this role |
console |
object |
used to collect config of the console & other GUI elements |
..height |
number |
height of the console in lines |
..x |
number |
x coordinate to show the console at |
..y |
number |
y coordinate to show the console at |
..roleInfoX |
number |
x coordinate to show the role info at |
..roleInfoY |
number |
y coordinate to show the role info at |
roleInfo |
object |
[Not for user!] used to collect information about creeps on this room; overwritten each round |
..<role> |
object |
used to collect information about the role with the name <role> |
....currentNumber |
number |
the current number of the role |
....requiredNumber |
number |
the required number of the role |
....symbol |
number |
the symbol of the role |
roadManager |
object |
the configuration for the road manager |
..enabled |
boolean |
false to disable the road manager for this room |
..watchTime |
number |
number of ticks the road manager watches the room before deciding what to do |
..visualize |
boolean |
true to overlay the map with the count of used tiles (see Roads) |
..threshold |
number |
the threshold for how much a tile has to be used to validate a road |
..tick |
number |
[Not for user!] if tick gets to watchTime the tile information is stored for future use |
..currentTiles |
string |
[Not for user!] the used information for each tile that gets updated each tick |
..tick |
number |
[Not for user!] the information for each tile for the last watchTime ticks |
roomManager |
object |
the configuration for the room manager |
..debug |
boolean |
prints the room configuration to the screen |
..layout |
string |
contains the layout of the entire room's buildings (see Automatic Building) |
Potential all structures can have some memory stored at structures.<id>
Memory |
Type |
Description |
debug |
boolean |
if true , the structure will print every time it does something |
name |
string |
human readable name, useful for error message or debugging |
Memory |
Type |
Description |
type |
string |
source if link is a source, target if it is a target |
transferId |
string |
sources and targets of a specific transferId are matched, so you can have multiple source→target pairs per room |
Memory |
Type |
Description |
debug |
boolean |
if true , the spawn will print each time a creep is spawned |
Memory |
Role |
Type |
Description |
debug |
boolean |
if true , the creep will print each tick what it is doing |
role |
string |
the role this creep fulfills (if it is necessary) |
home |
string |
the base this creep belongs too |
moveToGameObject |
string |
a game object for the creep to walk to |
selfdestruct |
boolean |
if true , the creep will go to the next spawn and recycle itself |
source |
string |
the ID of the source the creep will use; all creeps will wait for this source to refill instead of searching for alternatives |
target |
string |
the ID of the target the creep will prioritize; depending on the role the creeps will handle invalid targets differently: - Builder, Handyman, Harvester & Storekeeper will silently fallback to different targets
- Courier & Miner will wait till the target becomes valid again
- Explorer & Upgrader will print an error
Memory |
Type |
Description |
source |
string |
the source this miner is claiming |
homeSpawn |
string |
the spawn that created this miner |
initialTicksToLive |
number |
the ticksToLive this creep had initially |
ticksToSource |
number |
the ticksToLive when this creep first reached the source |
trainedReplacement |
number |
if the creep has already trained its replacement |
- Tests run against a mock of the original game: mock folder
For the question how to implement couriers, two option present itself: routes stored for each room / base, or for each creep.
Room |
Creep Based |
➕ the number of routes and couriers must not be identical |
➖ the number of couriers and routes should be identical |
➕ better option for respawning - especially if creeps get killed before spawning their replacement |
➖ creeps need to spawn their replacement before dying |
➕ information stays even if all creepy die |
➖ information gets lost if creeps die unexpectedly |
can be used for something
- spawn on new world and see what happens and what needs fixing, then document
- test the marked test classes (→ TODO)
(See Issues)