
Provision Dgraph cluster on AWS EKS

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Deploy Dgraph on AWS EKS using Terraform

Dgraph is a horizontally scalable and distributed graph database, providing ACID transactions, consistent replication and linearizable reads. It's built from ground up to perform for a rich set of queries. Being a native graph database, it tightly controls how the data is arranged on disk to optimize for query performance and throughput, reducing disk seeks and network calls in a cluster.


The Terraform template creates the following resources towards setting up a Dgraph cluster on AWS EKS.

  • AWS VPC with 2 private subnets for hosting the EKS cluster, 2 public subnets to host the load balancers to expose the services and one NAT subnet to provision the NAT gateway required for the nodes/pods in the private subnet to communicate with the internet. Also sets up the NACL rules for secure inter subnet communication.
  • AWS EKS in the private subnets to host the Dgraph cluster.
  • The Dgraph cluster Kubernetes resources in either a standalone mode or a HA mode(refer to the variables available to tweak the provisioning of the Dgraph cluster below) on the EKS cluster.


  • Terraform > 0.12.0
  • awscli >= 1.18.32

Steps to follow to get the Dgraph cluster on AWS EKS up and running:

  1. You must have an AWS account with privileges to create VPC, EKS and associated resources. Ensure awscli setup with the right credentials (One can also use AWS_PROFILE=<profilename> terraform <command> alternatively).

  2. Download and install Terraform.

  3. Create a terraform.tfvars file similar to that of terraform.tfvars.example and edit the variables inside accordingly. You can override any variable present in variables.tf by providing an explicit value in terraform.tfvars file.

  4. Execute the following commands:

$ terraform init
$ terraform plan -target=module.aws
$ terraform apply -target=module.aws
# One can choose to not run the following commands if they intend to use Helm to provision their resources on the Kubernetes cluster
# If you want to manage the state of the Kubernetes resources using Terraform, run the following commands as well
$ terraform plan -target=module.dgraph
$ terraform apply -target=module.dgraph

Note: Both the modules cannot be applied in the same run owing to the way Terraform evaluates the provider blocks.

The command terraform apply -target=module.dgraph would output the hostnames of the Load Balancers exposing the Alpha, Zero and Ratel services.

  1. Use terraform destroy -target=module.aws to delete the setup and restore the previous state.

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the template and their default values:

Parameter Description Default
prefix The namespace prefix for all resources dgraph
cidr The CIDR of the VPC
region The region to deploy the resources in ap-south-1
ha Enable or disable HA deployment of Dgraph true
ingress_whitelist_cidrs The CIDRs whitelisted at the service Load Balancer [""]
only_whitelist_local_ip "Only whitelist the IP of the executioner at the service Load Balancers true
worker_nodes_count The number of worker nodes to provision with the EKS cluster 3
instance_types The list of instance types to run as worker nodes ["m5.large"]
namespace The namespace to deploy the Dgraph pods to dgraph
zero_replicas The number of Zero replicas to create. Overridden by the ha variable which when disabled leads to creation of only 1 Zero pod 3
zero_persistence If enabled mounts a persistent disk to the Zero pods true
zero_storage_size_gb The size of the persistent disk to attach to the Zero pods in GiB 10
alpha_replicas The number of Alpha replicas to create. Overridden by the ha variable which when disabled leads to creation of only 1 Alpha pod 3
alpha_initialize_data If set, runs an init container to help with loading the data into Alpha false
alpha_persistence If enabled mounts a persistent disk to the Alpha pods true
alpha_storage_size_gb The size of the persistent disk to attach to the Alpha pods in GiB 10
alpha_lru_size_mb The LRU cache to enable on Alpha pods in MiB" 2048


  1. If ha is set to false the worker_node_count is overridden to 1.

  2. If only_whitelist_local_ip is set totrue, the ingress_whitelist_cidrs is overridden to local IP of the executioner.

  3. The kubeconfig file is created in the root directory of this repository.

  4. One could use Helm to install the Kubernetes resources onto the cluster, in which case comment out the dgraph module in main.tf.

  5. The number of worker_nodes needs to be more than the greater of replicas of Zero/Alpha when ha is enabled to ensure the topological scheduling based on hostnames works.

  6. The hostnames of the service Load Balancers are part of the output of the run. Please use the respective service ports in conjunction with the hostnames. TLS is not enabled.

  7. When alpha_initialize_datais set to true, an init container is provisioned to help with loading the data as follows:

          # Initializing the Alphas:
          # You may want to initialize the Alphas with data before starting, e.g.
          # with data from the Dgraph Bulk Loader: https://docs.dgraph.io/deploy/#bulk-loader.
          # You can accomplish by uncommenting this initContainers config. This
          # starts a container with the same /dgraph volume used by Alpha and runs
          # before Alpha starts.
          # You can copy your local p directory to the pod's /dgraph/p directory
          # with this command:
          #    kubectl cp path/to/p dgraph-alpha-0:/dgraph/ -c init-alpha
          #    (repeat for each alpha pod)
          # When you're finished initializing each Alpha data directory, you can signal
          # it to terminate successfully by creating a /dgraph/doneinit file:
          #    kubectl exec dgraph-alpha-0 -c init-alpha touch /dgraph/doneinit
          # Note that pod restarts cause re-execution of Init Containers. If persistance is 	  # enabled /dgraph is persisted across pod restarts, the Init Container will exit
          # automatically when /dgraph/doneinit is present and proceed with starting
          # the Alpha process.