
Convert decimal numbers to Cyrillic numerals

Primary LanguagePython


This script converts decimal numbers to Cyrillic numerals. It includes an option to add a titlo symbol to the result.


  • Convert decimal numbers to Cyrillic numerals
  • Optional titlo symbol addition
  • Command-line interface
  • Can be used as a Python module


  • Python 3.x
  • Bash


As a script

  1. Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/slojinika/dec2cyrs.git

  1. Navigate to the project directory:

cd dec2cyrs


As a script

Run the script from the command line:

python dec2cyrs.py [-h] [-t] number


  • number: The decimal number to convert (required)
  • -t, --titlo: Add titlo to the result (optional)
  • -h, --help: Show help message and exit

As a module

from dec2cyrs import dec2cyrs

# Convert 888 to Cyrillic
result = dec2cyrs(888)

# Convert 888 with titlo
result_with_titlo = dec2cyrs(888, use_titlo=True)


  1. Convert 888 to Cyrillic:

python dec2cyrs.py 888

  1. Convert 888 with titlo:

python dec2cyrs.py -t 888

Task List:

Bash Script Improvements

  1. Implement input validation in the Bash script to prevent users from entering invalid numbers. 1.1. Sub-tasks:
  • Check if the input is -1.
  • Check if the input exceeds the specified range (e.g., maximum allowed value).
  • Provide appropriate error messages if invalid input is detected.

Python and Bash Script Improvements

  1. The titlo in the thousands is being placed incorrectly. We need to make it so that the ҂ is ignored.