Mercurial dependency could be listed
Xparx opened this issue · 4 comments
Noticed that I needed Mercurial to fetch the Eigen library. I run Ubuntu and the Makefile requires it to work.
Might be worth adding to the apt-get install list. It also looks like git is needed in the make file as well, to get intervaltree.
I wondered if you have installed this software successfully, because I found some problems while using it. When I use the function 'SNPsea-heatmap', it always shows 'TypeError: ("make_label() missing 3 required positional arguments: 'pvalue', 'nu 'occurred at index 53'), but I'm certain that my data have all the four arguments. Could you please tell me how can I solve this problem? I would be grateful if you can help. Thanks!
I installed it, but didn't use it. I would start a new issue to get the devs looking at it.
Thanks! I really appreciate it .
I have solved this problem!